Kopierede/fra hoften

(New York Times, 2018: 1 & 2 via Powerline blog, Why we hate the media, chapter 12, 186)

De californiske skovbrande fandt ikke præcist sted i de områder, som forskerne fremhævede tilbage i januar, men de to New York Times-historier illustrerer ganske fint, hvordan alt Trump siger og gør vinkles negativt. Det er slemt i USA, men værre i et land som Danmark, hvor medierne kun gengiver anti-republikanske mediers dækning på overskrift-niveau. Donald Trumps indledende Twitter-opdatering kan ses her.

This week a group of scientists warned in the journal BioScience that the dead trees could produce wildfires on a scale and of an intensity that California has never seen.Coming in the aftermath of the deadly and destructive fires last year both in wine country and Southern California, the warning is sobering because the scientists say they cannot even calculate the damage the dead-tree fires might cause; it exceeds what their current fire behavior modeling can simulate.” (New York Times, 19. januar 2018)

“As Californians were fleeing the huge wildfires that have left both ends of the state ablaze, President Trump took to Twitter over the weekend, blaming the infernos on forest management and threatening to withhold federal payments from the state. His statements, which drew outrage from local leaders and firefighters, oversimplified the causes of California’s wildfires. (New York Times, 12. november 2018)

“Trump møder voldsom kritik for kommentar om dødelige skovbrande: Det er ’skammelige angreb’” (Berlingske. 11. november 2018)

“‘Hensynsløst og fornærmende’: Trump beskyldes for at gøre skovbrande til politik” (DR Online, 12. november 2018)

“Brandmænd kritiserer Trump for ’skamløst angreb’ efter dødelige skovbrande” (Politiken, 12. november 2018)

“Trump puster til ilden under de værste brande i Californiens historie” (Information, 12. november 2018)

“‘Californisk løbeild ødelagde mit hjem’: Neil Young kritiserer Trump for håndtering af skovbrande i Californien” (Politiken, 12. november 2018)

“Musikere raser efter Donald Trumps grove udtalelser om Californiens skovbrande” (Gaffa.dk, 12. november 2018)