
Polens tidligere premierminister Donald Tusk, for tiden EU-kommissionens formand, rapporterer til et polsk ugentlige magasin, at regeringen i sit hjemland, der utgår fra Lov- og retfærdighedspartiet, ønsker at følge Storbritannien ud af Unionen, skriver The Times.

“I have no doubt that for PiS one of the goals is to ‘free’ Polish politics from the burden of the EU,” he told Tygodnik Powszecnhy magazine yesterday.

Mr Tusk, who is planning a return to Polish politics in 2020 at the end of his time in Brussels, has suggested that the conservative and nationalist government is planning a Brexit-style referendum by the end of the decade.

Polen har i øjeblikket en blomstrende økonomi, og førinden ikke mange år, kan landet være en netto bidragsyder til EU-budgettet. Det kan øge appetitten om at forlade Unionen, mener Tusk.

“I can easily imagine a situation when Poland finds itself among the net payers, then the government in Poland would feel it was time to ask Poles if they wanted Poland to continue in the EU,” he said.

Uenigheden om EU-kommissionens plan for tvangsfordeling af asylansøgere hjælper naturligvis ikke med at holde Polen fra en sådan beslutning.


Foto: Clodagh Kilcoyne / Reuters / Scanpix.

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