
På en nuklear terror-konference i Washington drøftede verdens ledere, hvordan man beskytter sig mod jihadister få radioaktivt materiale, der kan bruges i terrorangreb mod Vesten. Materialet kan spredes ved hjælp af droner. En britisk delegeret sagde dette var noget, de allerede kendte til som IS-mål.

‘We have already seen Daesh [IS] trying to look at [the question] can they get their hands on low-level crop-using-type drones.’

På konferencen blev det afholdt en “retssag”, som også omfattede fiktive TV-rapporter i forberedelse til et droneangreb:

In the scenario, terrorists managed to steal nuclear material from a health facility and smuggle it into Britain and other Western countries. Some was detected by the intelligence agencies but other consignments got through.

The toxic material was purchased by jihadists on the highly encrypted ‘dark web’ after being stolen from the health site.


In a sign of how seriously the threat of a nuclear plot is being taken, it last night emerged that American commando units have been trained to seize and disable nuclear or radioactive bombs.

The Pentagon rarely discusses publicly its plans to use commandos if terrorists obtain a nuclear weapon or build a ‘dirty bomb’ from radioactive material.


Droner bruges i narkotikasmugling. 



Og i landbruget.


Det tager ikke meget radioaktivt materiale, før du tager livet af en hel by. David Cameron sagde:

‘We know the terrorists we face today would like to kill as many people as they possibly could, using whatever materials they can get their hands on.’

Truslen anses så overhængende, at Cameron og Obama holdt en særlig “war game session” med, hvordan man skal reagere på et sådant angreb, der kan dræbe tusinder og efterlade en by ubeboelig i mange år fremover.


Daily Mail  The Telegraph