Søndag startede trafikken op igen ved Zaventem lufthavn Brussel. Passagerer skal møde frem 3 timer før afgang.
Politiet ved Brussel lufthavn sagde, at mindst 50 tilhængere af Den islamiske stat arbejder i lufthavnen med bagagehåndtering, rengøring og catering. I et åbent brev sagde politiet, at de tidligere har advaret om, at de radikaliserede muslimer har adgangskort, der giver dem adgang til flyene, men de er stadig medarbejdere ved lufthavnen.
Politiet har truet med at strejke på grund af manglende sikkerhed og sagde, at de også har informeret om, at terrorister har overvåget lufthavnen for at planlægge angreb.
The extraordinary claims come after the Mail reported how the family of two of the bombers involved in the attacks last week said they had worked as cleaners at the airport.
‘Some people suspected of having fought in Syria came to the airport as “false tourists”. We reported their presence but we do not know if anything was done with that information,’ the airport police wrote in their letter.
‘When we checked these people, we were surprised more than once. It was men with a radical ideology and a long police history,’ the officers continued.
‘Even today, there are at least 50 supporters of the Islamic state who work at the airport. They have a security badge and have access to the cockpit of a plane.
Politiet rapporterede sine bekymringer fire dage før terrorangrebet.
The Belgian police union, NSPV, told the interior ministry on Friday 18 March that they would go on strike unless it was improved.
Alain Peeters, the general secretary, said: ‘The sad events of 22 March demonstrate that our concerns are justified. We demand more security and more staff.’
Hvem er det, der egentlig har adgang til din bagage?
Sikkert det samme i Amsterdam og Charles de Gaulle, der føler man sig hensat til en lufthavn i Najrobi eller Emiraterne