Hver dag sine islamiske terrorangreb, og tirsdag gik det blandt andet ud over tyske turister i Istanbul. 28-årige Nabil Abdel Latif Fadli udløste sin selvmordsbombe ved Theodosius-obelisken, en af byens mange turistattraktioner. Han tog op imod ti ældre tyskere med sig i døden. El Dorar fortæller, at han havde sværget troskab til Islamisk Stat, og så sent som tirsdag i sidste uge blev registreret som værende syrisk asylansøger.
Flere detaljer fra Daily Telegraph – Istanbul suicide bomber ‘registered as a refugee a week before attack’.
“The suicide bomber who killed 10 people in Istanbul registered as a refugee in Turkey just one week before the attack after entering the country from Syria, according to Turkish media.
The bomber, identified as Nabil Fadli, a 28-year-old Saudi-born Syrian national, gave his fingerprints at an immigration centre in Istanbul on January 5 and was allowed to move freely in the days before the bombing. …
Only one person was arrested in direct connection with Tuesday’s attack, which killed 10 German tourists and wounded another 15 people.
… Many of the victims were grandparents and members of a tour group for elderly people. The dead include two couples, one in their seventies, and the other aged 59 and 61. The group of 33 arrived in Istanbul the night before the bombing. It was the first leg of a three-city tour organised by Lebenslust, or Lust for Life, a company that specialises in travel for older people.”
[…] en syrisk jihadist detonerer en bombe i Istanbul, så er det en større mediehistorie, ikke mindst i Tyskland, der har et stort tyrkisk mindretal. […]