
Utenriksministeriets internkontrol afleverede onsdag en rapport om Hillary Clintons brug af en privat email-server, som var knusende i sin konklusion: Hun skulle spurgt ministeriet om lov, og hadde hun gjort dét, ville hun fået nej.

The State Department’s inspector general has sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, saying she had not sought permission to use it and would not have received it if she had.


The report also said that department officials “did not — and would not — approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business.”

Det fremgår av rapporten at Clinton ikke ville bruke departementets server, for hun var redd for at hennes private epost skulle bli kjent.

Hun har sagt hun ikke har noe å skjule, men nektet å la seg intervjue av internkontrollen.

Clinton mottok epostene på sin Blackberry. Denne måtte Obama oppgi å bruke da han ble president. Ikke Clinton. Opplysningene understreker en person som satte sitt ego over departementets.

But it called into question the security risk of using a private server for what were clearly sensitive discussions of the nation’s foreign policy. It noted that Mrs. Clinton sent or received most of the emails that traversed her server from a mobile device, her BlackBerry.

Security and records management officials told the inspector general’s office that “Secretary Clinton never demonstrated to them that her private server or mobile device met minimum information security requirements,” the report said.

Rapporten avslører forsøk på å hacke seg inn i Clintons epostserver i januar 2011.

It said a “nondepartmental adviser” to Bill Clinton — apparently Bryan Pagliano, who installed the private server — informed the department that he had shut down the system because “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in, I didn’t want to let them have a chance.”

I tillegg etterforsker FBI om Clinton kan ha begått sikkerhetsbrudd som fortjener at det reises kriminell sak mot henne.




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