
Amerikanske soldater på vej til Perserbugten

USA sender forstærkninger til Perserbugten sammen med hangarstyrken USS Abraham Lincoln og en skvadron bombefly. I tillæg sendes USS Arlington og et Patriot-batteri.

USS Arlington is a San Antonio-class ship that transports U.S. Marines, amphibious vehicles, conventional landing craft and rotary aircraft with the capability to support amphibious assault, special operations, or expeditionary warfare missions.

USS Arlington also provides a high quality command and control capability and improved interoperability with our allies and partners in the region.

A Patriot battery is a long-range, all-weather air defense system to counter tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and advanced aircraft.

Additional forces sent to Persian Gulf adds fuel to speculation that Israel will take out Iran’s nuclear program

Den voldsomme opbygning af styrker kan være en forberedelse til et amerikansk gensvar, hvis amerikanske og israelske fly pacificerer Irans atomanlæg og Iran svarer igen med at angribe USA.

Det siges at den slagkraft USA har samlet er stor nok til at knuse Irans militære evne.

Mistanken om et forestående angreb hænges op på at Revolutionsgardens efterretningschef meldte sig ved en amerikansk ambassade og medbragte dokumenter om Irans hemmelige atomanlæg. Det kan være USA derved fik en viden, som gør det nødvendigt at slå til nu. Iran har ikke styrket sin sag ved at varsle, at de trækker sig fra den del af atomaftalen, som gælder berigelse af uran og tungtvand, og giver aftalepartnerne 60 dage til at finde et alternativ.

Generalen hedder Ali Nasiri:

  • Nasiri brought with him a cache of military intelligence
  • His role as intelligence chief means he knows the whereabouts of every component of Iran’s nuclear program; his department oversaw protection for the program
  • A meeting on April 29 with top brass in U.S. military and intelligence was conspicuously held at CIA headquarters, the venue with the most secure direct connection to Israel’s Mossad
  • The two strike groups previously sent to the Persian Gulf combined with what was already there represent a tremendous offensive unit capable of taking out Iran’s entire military if necessary
  • The Arlington carries U.S. Marines and vehicles necessary for land-based missions
  • The presence of a Patriot battery is for missile attacks should Iran attack in that manner



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