
George Papadopoulos var en ubetydelig frivillig medarbejder i Trump- kampagnen. Han bliver nu berømt, ikke for det han gjorde, men fordi mægtige kræfter bestemte sig for at bruge ham til at bekræfte, at Trump samarbejdede med russerne. Det mislykkedes og Papadopoulos fortæller nu Kongressen, hvad han ved.

George Papadopoulos, som blev idømt to ugers fængsel som følge af Bob Mueller-efterforskningen, har bestemt sig for at snakke: Han fortalte Kongressen bag lukkede døre torsdag, at FBI løj overfor specialdomstolen FISA for at få tilladelse til at overvåge Carter Page og dermed Trump-kampagnen.

Havde FBI fortalt alt det de vidste – som loven pålægger dem – ville domstolen aldrig have givet tilladelse til overvågningen.

FBI førte nemlig bevis for at George Papadopoulos havde nægtet blankt, at Trump havde noget som helst med russerne at gøre.

Det valgte FBI at se bort fra. I stedet citerede de de spioner, som FBI, Israel, Australien og briterne sendte mod ham, mens han var i London, for at lokke ham til at sige noget kompromitterende.

Den mest pågående var professor Stefan Halper. Halper kan ikke have været specielt dreven, for det gik op for Papadopoulos, at Halper opførte sig mærkeligt.

Papadopoulos said that he made it perfectly clear to an undercover bureau operative and British based professor Stefan Halper, that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Halper, who Papadopoulos suspected in the late summer of 2016 to be recording his conversations, had questioned him extensively in private conversations as to whether or not the Trump campaign had been in communication with Russia. He also questioned whether there was any coordination between Russia and the campaign to obtain Hillary Clinton emails that had been hacked from her server.

“I think I told him something along the lines of I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.  What you are talking about is treason. And I have nothing to with that, so stop bothering me about it,” said Papadopoulos, who noted that Halper was asking if the Trump campaign was involved in obtaining or seeking the Hillary Clinton emails WikiLeaks obtained. He said Halper made suggestions that the Trump campaign was involved in the hacking and somehow colluding with Russia on the matter–a claim that Papadopolous found ridiculous and emphatically said was false.

Som New York Times selv skrev: Det var George Papadopoulos, der var grunden til at FBI startede efterforskningen af russerne og Trump. Nu fortæller Papadopoulos, at han blev “set up”. Amerikansk efterretning sendte mange spioner mod ham, som forsøgte at lægge ham ord i munden, og det var deres ord FBI citerede, når de ønskede overvågning af Trump-kampagnen.

Halper, who Papadopoulos suspected in the late summer of 2016 to be recording his conversations, had questioned him extensively in private conversations as to whether or not the Trump campaign had been in communication with Russia. He also questioned whether there was any coordination between Russia and the campaign to obtain Hillary Clinton emails that had been hacked from her server.

“I think I told him something along the lines of I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.  What you are talking about is treason. And I have nothing to with that, so stop bothering me about it,” said Papadopoulos, who noted that Halper was asking if the Trump campaign was involved in obtaining or seeking the Hillary Clinton emails WikiLeaks obtained. He said Halper made suggestions that the Trump campaign was involved in the hacking and somehow colluding with Russia on the matter–a claim that Papadopolous found ridiculous and emphatically said was false.

Man skal ikke se bort fra, at Mark Meadows og Republikanerne ville have, at vælgerne skulle have denne information før de går til urnerne 6. november. Det er et magtmisbrug, som savner sidestykke i amerikansk historie.

Bagmændene undervurderede Papadopoulos. Han forstod, at der var en sammenhæng, når den ene efter den anden “kiggede ind” og inviterede ham på dyre middage og på lunch.

-Jeg havde ikke været mere eftertragtet, om jeg så var Marilyn Monroe, sagde Papadopoulos i et interview med Sara Carter og John Solomon fra the Hill.

Forførende kvinder var en del af setup´et:

Papadopoulos described his contact with Halper as odd from the beginning. He said he met with a female guide recommended by Halper. When he met her she was scantily dressed and “trying to seduce me and was trying to hint that I want to sleep with you but you have to give some information first.” He declined any advances by the woman and told his wife Simona about the incident, as she confirmed.

Græske Simona har rygrad og har været en støtte for Papadopoulos. Han fortalte hende om flere af de mærkelige ting, som skete, så hun har kunnet bekræfte hans historier bagefter.

Papadopoulos and his wife Simona told SaraACarter.com that there were also other strange meetings with various officials, both U.S. and foreign officials, during his time in London and after he agreed to join the Trump campaign in March 2016.

Some of those of those contacts were initiated by outside players in April, 2016 and continued until October, 2016.  Two employees with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, an Australian intelligence agent, an Israeli diplomat, Australian diplomat, and British officials all wanted to connect with Papadopoulos while he was in London, he said.

At der blev sat så mange og stærke kræfter ind, siger noget om hvor meget det betød for bagmændene at få noget på Trump.

Ikke særlig rart, at Justitsministeriet og FBI har kæmpet med næb og klør mod at disse oplysninger skulle komme frem.

“The FBI was well aware that Papadopoulos didn’t believe there was any collusion and knew nothing of collusion from his conversation with Halper,” said a source with direct knowledge of the investigation. The FBI knew this because the bureau was in possession of the information regarding the conversations between Halper and Papadopoulos but never turned them over to the courts, according to sources with knowledge of the bureau’s investigation.

“He was there to probe me on the behest of somebody else…(Halper) said something along the lines of ‘Oh, it’s great that Russia is helping you and your campaign, right George?’” Papadopoulos said.

En ting er når en statsadvokat som Andrew Weissmann holder beviser tilbage, som ville have talt til tiltaltes fordel, som han er taget i. Weissmann er nu på Bob Muellers hold. Men når mægtige statslige justitsmyndigheder begynder at optræde konspiratorisk får overgrebene meget større konsekvenser.

En anden grund til at FBI og Justits har strittet imod offentliggørelse er, at rænkespillet, som begyndte allerede sent på vinteren 2016, længe før den formelle kontraspionage mod Trump-medarbejdere blev sat i gang 31. juli 2016, at det river grunden under specialefterforsker Bob Muellers legitimitet.

Hvis mægtige kræfter allerede ved nytåret 2016 havde bestemt sig for 1) tage Trump og 2) frikende Hillary, er udnævnelsen af Bob Mueller som specialefterforsker 17. maj 2017 en fortsættelse af sammensværgelsen.

Specialagent Peter Strzok er ”on record” for at FBI på den tid – 17. maj – efter ni måneders efterforskning, ikke havde fundet noget bevis på nogen “collusion”.

Når vi ved at Mueller har varslet, at hans rapport vil blive holdt hemmelig, kan vi antage at det er fordi han har fundet ”nada”, ingenting. Mueller driver en dækoperation for at udenforstående ikke skal kunne optrævle sammensværgelsen.

Men mønsteret er nu tydeligt.