
Det er i hvert fald det indtryk man får i de danske medier. Derimod står der respekt om ledere som Emmanuel Macron og Angela Merkel. Men hvad viser tallene?

Ifølge Rasmussen daily tracking nyder Trump opbakning fra 50 pct. af de amerikanske vælgere.

Macron er populær blandt 27 pct. af franskmændene, mens 62 pct. vender ham ryggen.

Den tyske regerings popularitet er nede på 29 pct.

Merkel og Macron kan til gengæld glæde sig over udbredt støtte fra danskle journalister.

Meanwhile, in the past 12 months, conservative, populist, and patriotic parties have won sweeping victories following elections in HungaryItaly, the Czech Republic, and Austria, where citizens voted for strong national borders, to protect Christian and European heritage, and to reject globalisation in favour of sovereignty.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini — from the right-wing League party that formed a coalition with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement —  announced last week his intention to form a grand alliance of populists from across Europe ahead of next year’s European Union parliamentary elections.


Globalist Grip Weakens in Europe as Merkel and Macron Tank in the Polls

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