
Mandskab fra den maltesisk-baserede humanitære organisation MOAS’ skib Phoenix samler migranter op fra en båd uden for Sabratha, Libyen den 15. april i år. Statsadvokat Carmelo Zuccaro ved statsadvokatkontoret i Catania på Sicilien har tidligere sagt, at MOAS og flere tyske NGO-ere har direkte kontakt med smuglerne.(foto: Reuters/Darrin Zammit Lupi)

Humanitære organisationer betaler menneskesmuglere for at fragte migranter til sine ventende skibe, det hævder en oberst i den libyske kystvagt.

Oplysningen er chokerende, selvom der nu i en tid har cirkuleret historier om noget sådant.

Oberstens oplysninger øger også bekymringen for, at der kan skjule sig jihadister blandt migranterne, skriver Mail on Sunday, som bragte nyheden sent lørdag aften.

Oberst Tarek Shanboor i den libyske kystvagt siger til Mail on Sunday, at han har beviser for, at humanitære organisationer betaler for migranter, som er desperate efter at komme til Europa, men som selv ikke har penge til at betale menneskesmuglerne.

Colonel Tarek Shanboor said he had obtained bank details and phone records that proved the charities were making payments to criminal gangs who have put hundreds of thousands of migrants into unseaworthy boats – leading to thousands of deaths each year.

Opplysningene er alarmerende, og forstærker frygten for, at islamister kan blande sig med migranterne.

Den spanske Proactiva Open Arms er endnu en i rækken af «humanitære» organisationer som «redder» migranter tæt på den libyske kyst. Her er de i aktion med den tidligere fisketrawler Golfo Azzurro, 22 nautiske mil nord for Sabratha 1. April 2017. (foto: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)


Shanboor fortæller, at lederen af kystvagten i et desperat forsøg på at stoppe menneskesmuglingen, har hyret en Tripoli-baseret milits til at patruljere kysten sammen med deres egen politistyrke.

‘This is a last-ditch attempt to stop the criminal trade along our coast. The Tajoura fighters should be able to dismantle the mafia groups. We are declaring war on the people smugglers this way,’ he said.

Også de humanitære NGO-ere patruljerer den libyske kyst, men hævder, at de kun er der for at redde migranter.

Obersten siger, at han har leveret bevismateriale til EUs grænsemyndighed i Bruxelles:

But Colonel Shanboor said aid agencies were now encouraging more and more migrants to make the perilous trip. He claimed he had handed evidence of collusion between charities and traffickers to EU border security officials in Brussels, though he refused to go into detail.

Speaking exclusively to the MoS he said: ‘The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are adding to the crisis by actively encouraging increasing numbers of migrants. Now we have the evidence they are in cahoots with the smugglers. We have evidence the smugglers call the NGOs directly and there are business deals between them.’

Shanboor hævder, at NGO-ere betaler op til 450 britiske pund – godt 3800 kroner – pr. migrant. Han siger, at han tror, de mener det godt, men at de ikke desto mindre er på afveje.

Col Shanboor’s extraordinary accusation comes just months after an internal EU report revealed charity officials in boats were in direct contact with migrant vessels and even gave them precise directions to find rescue vessels. This year has already seen record numbers of migrants attempting the perilous crossing from Libya to Lampedusa and Sicily, turning Italy into the front line of the crisis.

Som Document tidligere hr omtalt, har den sicilianske statsadvokat indledt efterforksning af forbindelsen mellem menneskesmuglere og humanitære organisationer. Organisationerne er belvet beskyldt for at forstærke migrationskrisen.

Last month, about 1,500 migrants – among them hundreds of children and pregnant women – were rescued from rickety vessels by one of the charities, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). And a leaked intelligence report suggested more than six million asylum seekers, including Syrians fleeing civil war, are waiting to cross into Europe.


Mail on Sunday: Charities ‘pay people traffickers’: Libyan coastguard’s astonishing claim… cash handed to criminal gangs so they ‘deliver’ refugees