

Flere maskerede mennesker har skudt på unge mennesker med automatvåben nær et kulturcenter i Marseille, rapporterer en fransk avis.

Ifølge avisen La Provence ankom gerningsmændene i tre biler og åbnede ild med Kalashnikov-rifler.

The men, armed with the machine guns and wearing hoods, arrived in three vehicles before opening fire on a group of young people.

A gun battle with police then took place.

Police have set up a security perimeter around the crime scene, and armed police and officers from the Marseille Naval Fire Battalion are on the scene.

Ifølge avisen er mindst en person blevet såret og sendt til hospitalet, og der er også en rapport om udveksling af ild med politiet.

Nye oplysninger tyder på at der ikke er tale om terror, men heller gangstere:

Police officers were driving to the scene of the disturbance when their way was blocked by a dark coloured Renault Megane, from which two men carrying the weapons disembarked. They fired their weapons into the air, reportsFranceBleu, and then immediately fled.



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