
Arrestationen af ​​Jacob Blake, der endte med at blive skudt, var en langt mere kompliceret affære end sekvensen på 20 sekunder, der blev filmet af et vidne. Dette siger advokaten til politiforeningen i Kenosha.

In Sunday’s incident, Blake was “armed with a knife” and “forcefully fought” with officers, putting one of them in a headlock, Brendan Matthews, an attorney for the Kenosha Professional Police Association, said Friday, according to Kenosha News.

State investigators, however, said Blake had a knife “in his possession,” and it was later recovered from the floorboard of his vehicle, FOX 6 of Milwaukee reported.

Blake havde en kniv, og han gav op. Han kom ikke ind i bilen for at komme væk fra politiet. Han gik ind for at finde kniven.

De repræsentationer, der hidtil er dukket op om hændelsen, er meget tendensiøse, siger politiforeningen.

The police union statement added that most accounts of the shooting were “wholly inaccurate” and “purely fictional,” Kenosha News reported.

“The purely fictional depiction of events coming from those without direct knowledge of what actually occurred is incredibly harmful, and provides no benefit to anyone whatsoever, other than to perpetuate a misleading narrative,” Matthews stated.

“Mr. Blake was not unarmed. He was armed with a knife. The officers did not see the knife initially. The officers issued repeated commands for Mr. Blake to drop the knife. He did not comply.”

Hvis dette er sandt, kan politiet påberåbe sig selvforsvar.


Kenosha police union gives its account of Jacob Blake shooting