
Lørdag samlede en gruppe katolikker sig til bøn ved en statue i St. Louis, hvorefter de blev angrebet af Black Lives Matter-demonstranter. Søndag aften ligeledes i St. Louis trængte 4-500 BLM-demonstranter ind på et privat område, og blev forsøgt stoppet af et bevæbnet ægtepar. De råbte blandt andet: “This is private property. Go back. Private property. Leave now.” Flere fra BLM-gruppen var angiveligt bevæbnet. Ekstra Bladets praktikant Emmely Smith gav historien overskriften: ‘Voldsomme optøjer: Par truer demonstranter med våben’.

“En noget anspændt situation udspillede sig søndag aften i byen St. Louis, Missouri, i USA, da et midaldrende ægtepar truede en flok Black Lives Matter-demonstranter med en pistol og en riffel. …

De op til 500 demonstranter lagde vej forbi ægteparrets hus, da de var på vej mod byens borgmesters hjem for at kræve, at hun fratræder sit embede.

Her blev de mødt af en kvinde og en mand, som bar henholdsvis en pistol og en riffel.

Parret, der er blevet identificeret som advokaterne Mark McCloskey og Patricia McCloskey, råbte efter demonstranterne og pegede flere gange deres våben mod dem…”

“‘Somebody forced the gate, and I stood up and announced that this is private property. Go back. I can’t remember in detail anymore. I went inside, I got a rifle. And when they … because as soon as I said this is private property, those words enraged the crowd,’ he said.

McClosky said one of the militants pulled out a loaded pistol magazine and clicked them together and said ‘you’re next.’

We were threatened with our lives, threatened with a house being burned down, my office building being burned down, even our dog’s life being threatened. It was, it was about as bad as it can get,’ McCloskey said.” (USSA News, 30. juni 2020)

“A couple pointed guns at protesters who were on private property outside their home Sunday night, as the demonstrators marched past on their way to St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson’s residence to demand her resignation. Police are now investigating the incident to determine whether the protesters committed trespassing and fourth-degree assault by intimidation.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood outside their home on Portland Place, a private street, as hundreds of protesters, some of them armed, marched by and chanted. The McCloskeys had been inside their home when they heard loud activity outside and saw ‘a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with ‘No Trespassing’ and ‘Private Street’ signs,’ St. Louis police said.

‘The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims,’ the police said. ‘When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police.’

Law experts have noted that Missouri’s Castle Doctrine allows homeowners to use deadly force to defend their private property from intruders.” (National Review, 29. juni 2020)