
Den amerikanske valgkamp har taget en ny vending efter at Hillary Clinton fik et ildebefindende og måtte forlade  9/11-ceremonien. Den er så vigtig en begivenhed, at en kandidat kun forlader den hvis det er tvingende nødvendig. Hillary forsvandt foran øjnene på et massivt medieopbud.

Det hed sig at hun fik et hedeslag, men som Hillary-venlige Washington Post, skriver: Det var ikke specielt varmt i New York.

Desuden var Clinton-lejren ikke åben om hvad der skete. Der gik halvanden time før de gav lyd fra sig.

Avisen spår at Clintons helbred nu vil blive top of the agenda.

Whereas Clinton and her campaign could laugh off questions about her health before today, the “overheating” episode makes it almost impossible for them to do so. Not only has it come at a time when there was growing chatter — with very little evidence — that her health was a problem but it also happened at a 9/11 memorial event — an incredibly high-profile moment with lots and lots of cameras and reporters around.

Her campaign may well try to dismiss this story as nothing more than an isolated incident, meaning nothing. (Democrats were already pushing the story of George W. Bush fainting in 2002 after choking on a pretzel, via Twitter.)

But the issue is that Clinton kept reporters totally in the dark for 90 minutes after her abrupt departure from the 9/11 memorial service for a health-related matter. No reporter was allowed to follow her. (Clinton has resisted a protective pool for coverage because Donald Trump refuses to participate in one.) This is, yet again, the Clinton campaign asking everyone to just trust it. She got overheated! But she’s fine now!

Clinton may well be totally fine — and I certainly hope she is. But we are 58 days away from choosing the person who will lead the country for the next four years, and she is one of the two candidates with a real chance of winning. Taking the Clinton team’s word for it on her health — in light of the episode on Sunday morning — is no longer enough. Reasonable people can — and will — have real questions about her health.

Men det, som Washington Post ikke har fået med, er et video-clip der viser Hillary, som kommer gående mod sin limousine, omgivet af sikkerhedsfolk og pludselig bryder benene sammen under hende. Klippet blve vist på SKY-News og kommer nok til at gå verden rundt og fyre op under rygterne om at noget er alvorlig galt med hende.



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