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Tesla-ejer Elon Musk har som en form for happening købt 9,2 procent af Twitter, med henblik på at presse techgiganten til at sættere ytringsfriheden fri. Alverdens Trads’er er i chok, for hvad skal den slags dog ikke ende med. En sjov lille detalje set hos CNN – Can Elon Musk be stopped from taking over Twitter?

“Ten days after Elon Musk disclosed he’d become Twitter’s largest shareholder, the world’s richest man has made an offer to buy the company outright. …

Now, the ball is in Twitter’s court. Twitter’s board of directors, on which Musk declined a seat last weekend, will have to consider whether to come to the table to discuss a deal with Musk — a successful but sometimes erratic entrepreneur…

It appears not all of Twitter’s shareholders are enthusiastic about the idea of a Musk takeover. Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who runs the investment firm Kingdom Holding Company in Saudi Arabia, another large Twitter shareholder, tweeted Thursday that the offer doesn’t ‘come close to the intrinsic value of @Twitter given its growth prospects … I reject this offer.’

David Trads og Stine Bosse på Twitter, 14. april 2022)

Hvis Elon Musk erobrer kontrollen med Twitter, vil al form for redaktionel kontrol af indhold forsvinde. Trump vil være tilbage, russisk propaganda vil være tilbage, al fornuft vil forsvinde.” (David Trads)