Denne mand føres bort af politiet. Også en mand nummer to blev ført væk. Det kan tyde på en sammensvergelse.
Minst tre personer er knivdræbt i Glasgow. Sky News sier flere er dræbt. Også gerningsmanden skal være dræbt af politiet.
Det er drama og kaos da en mand gik til angreb med kniv, etter sigende inde på et hotel.
“I saw people running out of the hotel with the police shouting ‘put your hands up, put your hands up, come out’.
“There were police cars, ambulances all over the street and they cordoned it off. Police were shouting to people in other buildings near the Park Inn hotel to stay inside and not come into the street.
“I saw at least three people injured and they were taken away in ambulances.
“There were quite a number of people coming out with their hands up, running down the steps of the hotel.
“I saw people with blood on them, all over the ground.”
Det er mindre end en uge siden en libysk asylsøger gik amok med kniv i Reading udenfor London. Tre unge mænd blev slagtet. Alle tre var homofile.