
Andrew Malone, reporter for Daily Mail, tilbragte en uge i den franske forstad Saint Denis. Det mest nedslående er konklusionen på hans lange og uhyre interessante artikel: Malone fortæller, at han har tilbragt meget af sit voksne liv som reporter i afrikanske lande. Han er næsten altid blevet mødt med åbenhed og gæstfrihed i muslimske lande.

Virkeligheden var en anden i Saint Denis:

Having had the good fortune to spend much of my working life reporting from around the world, and Africa in particular, I adore melting pots of different cultures, languages and races.

And I have almost always been treated with kindness and respect in Muslim countries.

Yet, frankly, the time I spent in Paris has convinced me of the difficulty of achieving genuine integration between these defiant, troubled inner-city Muslim communities and mainstream French society.

Indeed, the only person to shake my hand during my visit was the rabbi. Everyone else offered me their wrist, not wanting to touch hands with an infidel — someone unclean.

Dette er i hjertet af Europa. De franske konger er begravet i katedralen i Saint Denis.

Optøjer efter l’affaire Theo

Malone møder en rabbiner, som fortæller, hvilken vej det går:

Rabbi Yisroel Belinow, 50, is either a fool or very brave. As I walked near a mosque, I saw him looking out of his window. His home was firebombed in 2009, and a kosher restaurant next door burned down.

He’s since watched other Jews flee the area, and his dying father begged him to leave before it was too late. He came down to speak to me, but declined my invitation to stroll around the streets.

‘My parents came here from Russia and Poland,’ he told me. ‘When I was a kid, there were the usual jokes between children; we made fun of each other, but there was always a limit. I could go anywhere I wanted whenever I wanted.’

‘The problem is people coming to France and wanting to change it. And it’s worse because they want to force people to change. I know I look different. The hatred is obvious — people spit when you walk past.

‘I respect this country because I was born here. I respect the laws of this country. I respect Christmas even though it has nothing to do with being a Jew.

‘Now they won’t let Christmas happen. France has existed for thousands of years. If I didn’t like those laws, I would move to another country.

‘It wasn’t always like this. In the beginning, [French people] wanted to help. The charity these people [recent migrants] were shown was tremendous. But you wake up and realise pretty soon that this works one way only. Many people have left.’

Fællesnævneren er anarki og kaos, med islam øverst. Fransk lov gælder ikke her. Fransk politi kan kun bevæge sig ind i området i bil med fire mand og de indtager en meget defensiv holdning.

Tristesse: Hvor ender alle de op der nu strømmer ind i Spanien? I nye ghettoer i europæiske storbyer.

Vi hører om den samme udvikling i Sverige. Men forholdene her er meget større: Officielt er der 1,5 million indbyggere. Herudover er der mindst 300.000 illegale. Tilsammen nærmere 2 millioner, som lever udenfor fransk lov og franske værdier.


The scale of the problem grows each day. An estimated 80 migrants arrive in Paris every 24 hours — 550 a week.

Many head for Saint-Denis because of its closeness to transport links, including the railway lines heading towards the North coast, and Britain.

Migrant camps, set up in tents along the Seine in this area of Paris, were destroyed by the police in May, with the occupants who didn’t get away taken for processing in detention centres after a raid.

But there are still campers everywhere, as well as people sleeping on the streets.

There are an estimated 135 different nationalities in Saint-Denis, most extremely poor, including an estimated 600,000 Muslims from North African or sub-Saharan African backgrounds.

‘The challenge,’ says Paris senator Philippe Dallier, is ‘to prevent Saint-Denis becoming a huge ethnic ghetto of two million inhabitants within 20 years.’

Bon chance, monsieur — as they don’t say in this teeming quarter, where speaking Arabic is more useful than French.

Politi og militære betragtes som en okkupationsmagt

Politikerne ynder at skubbe problemerne frem i tiden. Hvis man tager sig besværet med at besøge Saint Denis, vil man hurtigt se, at fremtiden indtraf for længe siden.

Having spent several days in Saint-Denis, it’s clear to me that the area is already lost to France — to the rule of French law, equality, religious freedom, and even access to the streets by the police themselves.

Indeed, this is a parallel state — a state within a state, with its own rules and religious courts — where allegiance to Islam comes ahead of fealty to France.

Stemningen minder om bogen De helliges leir af Jean Raspail (Document forlag): Paris har her en hel undergrundshær af fattige fra den tredje verden, som bor nede i katakomberne under byen. Da en armada af fattige ankommer fra Indien, gennemfører de en ny revolution, men den er ikke fransk og den er ikke for frihed, lighed og broderskab. Frygten for en sådan revolte ligger under overfladen i dagens Frankrig og Malone mærker dens pulsslag.

People bought and sold drugs openly. What law there is takes place inside Sharia courts, where Islamic leaders dispense the same forms of justice practised in the countries from which many here fled.

And where, as I discovered, other faiths and religions are being driven from the area.

When helicopters flew overhead in training for the Bastille Day celebrations earlier this month, one man pretended to shoot at them with a machine gun.

Another pushed him away and pretended to fire a shoulder-mounted missile, tracing the missile with his hand towards its targets and shouting: ‘Boom!’ Everyone laughed.

Further down the street, there was a flurry of activity. A woman was surrounded as she opened a huge bag full of phones, shoes, sunglasses and handbags — clearly stolen from tourists or Parisians. The goods were quickly sold and the crowd melted away.

Scenerne er som taget ud af De helliges leir.

Det officielle Frankrig fortsætter med at fortrænge og benægte problemerne. Emmanuel Macron forsøger sig med et konkordat med de muslimske hovedorganisationer på samme måde, som Hitler indgik et konkordat med Vatikanet. Men Macron stiller med et svagt udgangspunkt, som ikke vil indrømme problemernes kærne.

De scener Malone beskriver, er som taget ud af Michel Houellebecq’s roman Underkastelse. Den er henlagt til 2021. På det tidspunkt har tilstandene i Saint Denis spredt sig til resten af samfundet.

Det, Malone beskriver i Saint Denis, er Frankrigs fremtid.

Han rekapitulerer jihadangrebene på Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan-kataklysmen og strandpromenaden i Nice. Hollande og Manuel Valls indførte undtagelsestilstand og nye bemyndigelseslove. Men tingenes tilstand er bare blevet værre.

Since then, as I discovered, in many ways the situation has worsened, although thankfully there has not been another major terrorist attack.

There are around 350 known jihadists living in Saint-Denis, while 1,700 are believed to have returned to France after fighting for IS in Syria, with 15,000 terrorism suspects in France.

In Saint-Denis itself, there is a record number of mosques — 160 official ones, and many more unofficial — compared with 117 Catholic churches and 60 Protestant. Yet it is the unauthorised mosques — set up in basements and garages — that the authorities fear the most.

‘The radicalisers use these hidden places of worship to influence the young and impressionable,’ said a veteran police officer who has worked in Saint-Denis for more than two decades.

He added: ‘Salafists (followers of an extreme form of Islam) impose the rule of religion, so we can have very little influence. These radicalisers are the ones who motivate the young towards terrorism.’

Kriminalitet og islam eksisterer side om side. Det er de vantros land, som plyndres.

Much of the money-raising activity comes from drug-dealing by gangs, many of them Muslim. At one high-rise block of flats not far from where I was staying, the scale of the operation was evident.

Like a department store, different drugs are sold on different floors. Moroccans and North Africans sell hashish for ten euros a bag on the third floor.

On the next floor up, two West African youths — one with his hair dyed pink, the other blonde — were dispensing skunk marijuana for 20 euros a bag.

Further up were older black Africans selling rocks of cocaine at 20 euros for a small plastic wrap. Above, heroin was being sold, and there was also, apparently, a room set aside for injecting.

At this point, I told one of the men I was a journalist and asked whether we could have a chat.

A chunky character in a red Ellesse sports shirt, he was relaxed, smiled at me and said politely to me in English: ‘No — go.’ I went.

Antisemitisme i sin mest morderiske form er en bestanddel af “kulturen”: Malone nævner drabet på Mireille Knoll, en Holocaust-overlevende, som blev dræbt af to muslimske mænd, hvoraf den ene var vokset op med Mireille som nabo. Han kunne have nævnt to andre spektakulære drab på jøder: Sarah Halimi, som blev kastet ned fra altanen af naboen og Ilan Halimi, som blev kidnappet og tortureret til døde. Alle tre har noget ildevarslende over sig. De jøder, som kan, forlader Frankrig. Myndighedernes reaktion har bidraget til, at de emigrerer: Myndighederne vil ikke indrømme, at angrebene er antisemitiske, og det eneste de evner er at sætte vagter ud. Hvilket giver jøder en følelse af at være belejrede.

Der tolereres ikke andre religioner end islam i Saint Denis.

While only a few hundred attend weekly mass at the Basilica here, thousands of Muslims stream into the area’s mosques for Friday prayers — so much so that, in a rare intervention, the authorities banned them from praying in the streets as well.

En dystopisk fremtidsroman kunne ikke have beskrevet værre forhold. For blot syv år siden blev Document beskyldt for at være alarmistisk. Når man læser om forholdene i Saint Denis, er det vanskeligt at finde de rette ord. Hvordan skal der findes en løsning på en ghetto på to millioner – og den er ikke den eneste.

Fransk venstreside har været en del af problemet. Det er bare et år siden borgmesteren i Paris, Anne Hidalgo, ville sagsøge Fox News, fordi de sagde, at der var no-go-zoner i Frankrig.

Forholdene er værst for kvinder.

Women suffer the most. Not far from the drug dealers outside the station, I visited a women’s refuge set up by Ghada Hatem, a senior gynaecologist, who says almost one in five of her patients have been victims of female genital mutilation (FGM) — the barbaric ritual of cutting the sexual organs of young women.

Now a specialist in the repair of such intimate mutilation, Hatem, who hails from Lebanon, says she is in daily contact with ‘women who tell me about the horrors they experience at home’.

Sarah Oussekine, who has an Algerian background and who runs a group called the Voix d’Elles Rebelles (Voice of the Female Rebels) in Saint-Denis, says: ‘When you ask girls why they are starting to wear the headscarf — and many more are — they tell you it is an act of faith, but actually when you dig deeper, they have to wear it to stay safe.’

Husk Saint Denis, når du hører venstreorienterede argumentere for, at muslimske piger skal have lov til at vælge hijab. Det er bare begyndelsen. Det ender med, at de som ikke gør det, bliver udstødt.

Hvis ikke kirken, medierne, politikerne, akademikerne og kultureliten i Norge og Skandinavien vender skuden, vil vi opleve det samme som Frankrig. Tendenserne er allerede  tydelige. Men at indrømme det vil indebære at tage ansvar for den politik, som er blevet ført.

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Powder Keg Paris: As a devastating report reveals 300,000 illegal migrants are living in one French suburb… ANDREW MALONE explores the tensions in a community at odds with mainstream society

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