
Google er langt inde i den politiske proces og vil gøre alt for at Trump ikke bliver genvalgt i 2020, siger En Google-ingeniør Kevin Cernekee. Cernekee siger der ikke er plads til ansatte som ikke deler selskabets venstreorienterede holdninger. Selv fik han sparket efter at have sloges med selskabet i flere år.

A former Googleengineer who claims he has been blacklisted by the tech giant says he believes the company will try to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

“They really want Trump to lose in 2020. That’s their agenda,” Kevin Cernekee said Friday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“They have very biased people running every level of the company,” Cernekee continued. “They have quite a bit of control over the political process. That’s something we should really worry about.”

Google wants Trump to lose in 2020, former engineer for tech giant says: ‘That’s their agenda

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Cernekees statement er bare det sidste i en række lækager om de indre forhold i selskabet. Project Veritas har interviewet Google-chefer undercover, som åbent praler af at de griber ind i politikken for at sørge for at ”the good guys win”.

Google havde oprindeligt “don’t do evil” som motto. De senere år har Google indgået samarbejde med den kinesiske stat for å udvikle søgemaskiner med politiske filtre. Det ser ud til at de filtre som bruges mod konservative i USA passer ind i kommunistpartiets behov.

Internt i selskabet bliver ansatte som opponerer ugleset.

The former Googler told the Wall Street Journalthat, after his posts to the tech giant’s internal message boards in early 2015 annoyed some of his colleagues, he received an official warning from Google’s human resources department. His conduct had reportedly been deemed “disrespectful and insubordinate.”

The Journal reports that around that time a senior manager at the company wrote on the message boards that he had added the engineer to a “written blacklist” of Google employees with whom he refused to work.

Googles politiske favorisering og manipulation er for alvor kommet på den politiske dagsorden i USA.

Under en høring i Kongressen var der to vidneudsagn, som gjorde indtryk: En Google-direktør kunne ikke svare på alle de eksempler, senator Ted Cruz trak frem, som at professor Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro i Daily Wire og Jordan B. Peterson blev omtalt som “nazister” i et internt notat.

Professor Robert Epstein kunne fortælle at han har fundet ud af at Google kan vippe millioner af vælgere i den retning man ønsker.

Carlson asked Cernekee if he thought Google would try to “influence” the 2020 election and attempt to “prevent” Trump from being reelected.

“I do believe so. I think that’s a major threat. They have openly stated that they think 2016 was a mistake. They thought Trump should have lost in 2016,” Cernekee responded.

Cernekee called the Google operation “highly ideological” and “plagued with bias.”

Cernekee gav et eksempel på hvordan Google manipulerer for at knytte Trumps navn til nazisme:

The engineer also claimed employees dragged their feet to correct a Google search bug that involved President Trump.

“If you do a Google search for ‘Crippled America,’ which is Donald Trump’s book, you would get results that would show ‘Mein Kampf’ instead,” Cernekee said, referring to the book by Adolf Hitler. “I reported that, I filed a bug, I escalated it, I tried to run it up the chain. They took nine months to fix that bug.”