
Billedet: Tina Kaidanow (t.v.) fra det amerikanske Udenrigsministerium var i Ankara sidste fredag og truede Tyrkiet med sanktioner, hvis de gennemførte købet af det russiske luftværnsystem S-400.

Det tyrkiske nyhedsbureau Anadolou meddelte tirsdag, at USA har sendt 300 soldater til Manbij i Nord-Syrien, som holdes besat af kurdisk YPG-milits og Den internationale Koalition mod IS.

Det er som om bureauet vil understrege, hvor stærkt USA modsætter sig tyrkiske interesser.

Turkey’s state-run news agency Tuesday said the United States is setting up two military bases and has increased its presence in the Manbij region of northern Syria, which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to attack.

Al-Monitor melder at USA ikke accepterer at Tyrkiet køber luftværnsystemet S-400 af Rusland. USA truer med at aflyse Tyrkiets køb af det ultramoderne kampfly F-35.

Meanwhile, Washington has cranked up pressure on Ankara to ditch a multibillion-dollar deal to buy a Russian S-400 defense system on the grounds it would compromise NATO security. The US principal deputy assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, Tina Kaidanow, met with Turkish officials in Ankara on Friday, warning them of likely sanctions should the deal proceed, sources familiar with the substance of the talks told Al-Monitor on strict condition of anonymity.

The Turkish media, quoting Turkish lawmakers, reported that Washington was threatening to halt delivery of F-35 combat aircraft to Turkey because of its Russian plans, a claim that was later rebutted by Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli. He insisted the purchase of the S-400 system could not affect delivery of the F-35s, saying, “Deliveries will start next year. This is a commercial matter.” While it’s true that the US Congress can no longer prevent the transfer of the actual planes at this point, it can block licensing for Turkish production of ancillary components for the F-35s, the sources said. There is growing speculation that Ankara may decide to walk away from the deal, as it did from a previous one to buy a Chinese missile system in 2013.

Hvis Tyrkiet skulle aflyse flykøbet og i stedet købe et forsvarssystem af Putin, vil der opstå en kløft mellem NATO-landet Tyrkiet og USA, som det kan blive vanskeligt at lukke.
