Kategori: Citat

We cannot fix failed states by inviting millions of their people to move in with us. All that ensures is more failed states, more failure, and eventually, one by one, the nations of the west will join them. And then you’ll really be yearning to breathe free and there will be nowhere to do it. […]

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Anthony Glees, head of security and intelligence studies at the University of Buckingham, said: “To have 23,000 potential killers in our midst is horrifying. We should double the size of MI5, as we did in World War Two, and expand the number of intelligence-led police by thousands. We can’t go on as if this wasn’t […]

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Our secular establishment in the newspapers, universities and popular culture damns the Crusades as a proof of Western guilt towards the Islamic world. The Western attempt to free Jerusalem in the Middle Ages has been condemned as Christian imperialism, while the Muslim campaigns to colonize and Islamize the Byzantine Empire, North Africa, the Balkans, Egypt, […]

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Recently, after dragging its feet for years, the Central Council of Muslims in Germany had agreed to call a march against Islamist terror. The Muslim organization boasted 10,000 registered participants for the “Not with us — Muslims and friends against violence and terror” rally, scheduled for June 17 in Cologne. On the much awaited day, […]

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Trump trækker USA fra Paris-aftalen

“I dette Martin Luther-jubilæumsår er det oplagt at tale om det onde. Luther ser mennesket som sat i en kamp mod Djævlen selv, og mens vi i dag har svært ved at personificere det destruktive, bør vi overveje, om en uforklarlig mørk kraft faktisk findes i verden. Var det dén, der slog til i et […]

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It’s the events that matter. They decide things.(…) If you don’t address the causes you will get the same results, and I don’t understand people who don’t realize that. Pat Buchanan i intervju med thedailycaller.com

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One big idea unifies all of Nietzsche’s offspring — the Marxists, the Freudians, the French Existentialists, the critical theorists, the Deconstructionists, the queer theorists — and that is the right to self-invention. That is the cruelest hoax ever perpetrated on human beings, for we are not clever or strong enough to reinvent ourselves. To the […]

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Frihedsbudskabet 4. Maj 1945:

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“1. maj er […] blevet klienternes festdag, en højtidsstund for passivt forsørgede, der hvert år kan glæde sig over nye sejre og triumfer og rette sigtet mod fremtidige mål og forbedringer.”   Asger Aamund i Berlingske 1. maj 2017

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“The Western world has long gotten used to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, as if their bad lot is inevitable and has to simply be accepted. Shouldn’t the issue of Middle Eastern Christians wake up European civilization to its core identity? Shouldn’t we in Europe and the West be telling ourselves that […]

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