Kopierede/fra hoften

‘Brasiliens nye justitsminister var med til at fængsle modkandidat’, skrev DR Online i går om Bolsonaros valg af Sergio Moro. Moro var som dommer tæt involveret i kampen mod korruption, og var med til at få fængslet venstrefløjsikonet Lula for korruption begået som præsident. “Han førte ellers klart i meningsmålingerne.”, noteres henkastet, og så kan læserne jo selv forbinde punkterne.

Det er ikke lykkedes mig at finde én kritisk artikel om præsidentvalgets socialistiske alternativ Fernando Haddad (PT), og absolut intet om hans vicepræsidentkandidat. Hun hedder Manuela D’Ávila, og er formand for PCdoB, Partido Comunista do Brasil, det brasilianske kommunistparti. Tilsyneladende mindre kontroversielt, end ‘tough on crime’-udtalelser fra Jair Bolsonaro.

“PCdoB originally established itself as an organization historically linked to the Marxist-Leninist tradition of the Communist International. Its political and ideological identity was consolidated as opposing the so-called 1960s ‘revisionism’, identified with the directions taken by the USSR after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. PCdoB then aligned itself with Maoism. After the People’s Republic of China began making economic reforms in 1979, PCdoB decided to align itself with the Socialist People’s Republic of Albania, an example of consistency and fidelity to Marxism–Leninism in the opinion of its leaders.


In the 1980s, the Soviet crisis was assessed by PCdoB as the result of the growing integration of the USSR with capitalism and the ’social-imperialistic’ policies applied by it; the Soviet regime was characterized as a kind of state capitalism. In 1991, as the crisis had reached Albania, PCdoB decided to reassess its theoretical formulations about revisionism, and became nonaligned. At its 8th Congress in 1992, PCdoB innovated itself by criticizing the Bolshevik experience. The party reaffirmed its adherence to Marxism–Leninism and socialism, taking a different path from several other Communist organizations throughout the world.” (Wiki)



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