
Omkring hundrede aktivister fra Génération Identitaire blokerede lørdag et bjergpas i de franske alper i en spektakulær, symbolsk aktion. Passet er en del af en rute, som mange migranter bruger.

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Medlemmer af GI staben på vej på kælke gennem sneen op til Col de l’Echelle nær grænsen til Italien, hvor de etablerede en «symbolsk grænse» for at markere overfor migranter at «grænsen er lukket og at de må rejse hjem».

De planlagde at overnatte på stedet, melder France24/AFP:

The group — mainly French but also including Italians, Hungarians, Danes, Austrians, English and Germans — plan to set up a “symbolic frontier” using plastic wire mesh.

Espino said the activists want «to explain to the potential migrants that it is inhumane to make those people crossing the Mediterranean or the snow-covered Alps believe that these routes are not risky».

«They are not going to find El Dorado, it’s immoral. Those who pay for it are the French,» he added.

For the past year, the French Alps have experienced a sharp increase in arrivals of young people, mostly from Guinea and Ivory Coast.

According to authorities, 1,900 illegal immigrants were sent back to Italy in 2017 compared with 315 the previous year.

PI News: Defend Europe: Alpenroute blockiert



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