
Bevæbnede demonstranter til ‘Party for Socialism and Liberation’-demo, Kenosha, 21. nov. 2021

Den danske mediedækning af Rittenhouse-historien har været så mangelfuld, at mange på venstrefløjen er blanke i forhold til det faktuelle. Man kan slippe for at blive ‘anklaget for mord’, hvis blot man ytrer ‘at det var selvforsvar’, lød det fra herboende grønlænder i en ophedet på Facebook. Han ved formentligt heller ikke, at venstreradikale ofte demonstrerer med halvautomatiske våben. Her en historie fra Breitbart, der fortæller om en kommunistisk demonstration foran retsbygningen i Kenosha – Armed BLM Protesters Join Socialist Rally for ‘Justice’ in Kenosha.

“A group of people armed with pistols and semi-automatic rifles joined a socialist group’s march in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday. The protesters called for ‘justice’ after a jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse on all charges on Friday.

A group of about 50 protesters gathered outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Sunday to march against what they called an injustice in the decision by a jury to find Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. The group gathered around the banner of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Joining the group was four armed individuals who said they were from Chicago. The group appeared to have crossed state lines to march with two semi-automatic rifles, and multiple handguns.

One of the armed protesters, Eric Jordan, came to the rally with his 16-year-old daughter, Jade. Both came to the protest armed with semi-automatic rifles. Eric also openly carried a pistol.”


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