Nogenlunde samtidig med at Derek Chauvin blev kendt skyldig i mord på George Floyd, blev en 16-årig sort pige skudt af en hvid betjent. Bodycam dokumenterer, at sekundet inden hun blev skudt, var hun i færd med at stikke en kvinde med en kniv. Den slags gør dog ingen forskel for Black Lives Matter-segmentet, herunder basketstjernen Lebron James, der netop er blevet den tredje amerikanske sportsstjerne, der er blevet dollar-milliardær. De to andre er i øvrigt Tiger Woods og Floyd Mayweather. Alle bosat i hvide kvarterer med behørig afstand til knivstikkende negere i henholdsvis Brentwood (L.A), Jupiter Island (Florida) og Beverly Hills (L.A.).
Det er sjældent man kan udstille hykleriet med Yahoo News, men denne gang kom det af sig selv – Ma’Khia Bryant: Protesters gather at Columbus police headquarters after Black teenager fatally shot by officer.
“Protesters gathered outside of the Columbus police headquarters for hours on Tuesday after 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant was identified by her family as the victim in the police shooting.
… Bodycam footage from the responding officers shows the teenager brandish a knife and charge toward one female who falls backwards, before moving towards another.
A slow-motion version of the footage shows the second victim falling against a car as the knife-wielding youth raises the weapon as if about to stab her, as an officer opens fire on the teenager. …
Following the fatal shooting on Tuesday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside of the Columbus police headquarters, with many pushing past barriers set up to get closer to the building.
The crowd chanted ‘Bryant’ as they approached officers outside of the building… at a separate demonstration earlier in the day, members of Mothers of Murdered Columbus Children and other protesters gathered in the area of the shooting, with one person reportedly carrying a sign that read ‘enough is enough’.
Protesters with Black Lives Matters signs later joined the crowd of onlookers at the scene as the night progressed.
‘We don’t get to celebrate nothing,’ K C Taynor said through a megaphone of the verdict in the George Floyd trial, according to The Columbus Dispatch. ‘In the end, you know what, you can’t be Black.’“
(Black Lives Matter protesterer over drabet på Bryant, Columbus, 21. April 2021; Foto: Daily Mail)
“More than 100 protesters took to the streets of Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday night to demonstrate against the police shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant. … On Wednesday night, protesters were heard chanting: ‘Say her name. Ma’Khia Bryant.’“ (Daily Mail)
Lebron James truer betjent Nicholas Reardon, der reddede kvinde fra knivstik; Foto: Twitter)