“28-årig amerikaner anholdt for at ville køre ind i fodgængere”, skrev DR Nyheder, og fortæller at ‘en mand’ angiveligt ville køre en stjålen lastvogn ind i tilfældige mennesker. Jihadwatch citerer CBS Baltimore – Germantown Man Inspired By ISIS Allegedly Stole U-Haul To Use As Weapon At National Harbor.
“The government filed a motion Monday arguing for Henry to be detained pending trial as a flight risk and a danger to the community. They allege that Henry, who claimed to be inspired by the ISIS terrorist organization, stole a U-Haul van with the intention of using it as a weapon against pedestrians on sidewalks at National Harbor.
… According to the detention memo, for two years, Henry has harbored ‘hatred’ for those who don’t practice the Muslim faith. Allegedly inspired by videos he watched of foreign terrorists, Henry decided to conduct a vehicular attack, similar to the 2016 truck attack in Nice, France, for which ISIS claimed responsibility.
After he stole the van, Henry drove around, arriving at Dulles International Airport in Virginia at around 5 a.m. on March 27.
The government claims Henry left the U-Haul and entered the terminal to try to find his way through security, allegedly to harm ‘disbelievers’ in a way designed for ‘maximum publicity,’”