
Mustafa Alowemer 

En 21 år gammel syrisk flygtning, Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, blev onsdag arresteret for at have planlagt at angribe en kirke i Pittsburgh på vegne af IS. Alowemer var gået på indkøb efter bombematerialer.

Alowemer er født i Daraa i Syrien og kom til USA som flygtning i august 2016.

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, was accused by federal prosecutorsin court documents filed on Wednesday of planning to attacka church on the north side of Pittsburgh, the Legacy International Worship Center, “to support the cause of ISIS and to inspire other ISIS supporters in the United States.”

Alowemer betroede sig til en FBI-agent som udgav sig for at være jihadist.

He allegedly provided “multiple instructional documents” on how to build improvised explosive devices, referred to as IEDs, to an undercover FBI agent who he believed was a fellow ISIS supporter, according to the DOJ.

Alowemer indspillede også en video, hvor han lovede troskab til IS-leder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“Alowemer also distributed propaganda materials, offered to provide potential targets in the Pittsburgh area, requested a weapon with a silencer, and recorded a video of himself pledging an oath of allegiance to the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Syreren havde lavet en ti-punktsplan for angrebet på kirken. Han havde indkøbt søm og kemikalier. Angrebet skulle have fundet sted i juli.



Feds arrest Syrian refugee accused of plotting terrorist attack on Pittsburgh church