Kopierede/fra hoften

For et par måneder siden kunne DR oplyse, at præsidentkandidat Jair Bolsonaro var forsøgt likvideret, hvad blev beskrevet som ‘en gal mands værk’. At gerningsmanden var tidligere medlem af venstrefløjspartiet PSOL, måtte man gætte sig til. Under mediedækningen af attentatet, og i dagene op til valget blev Bolsonaro omtalt som alt fra den tropiske Trump, over autoritær og nationalkonservativ, til højreradikal og fascistoid.

Bolsonaro vandt klart præsidentvalget med 56 procent af stemmerne, og med en centrumhøjre-regering fortæller medierne så, at Brasilien nu er splittet. Som ny ‘Superfinansminister’ valgte Bolsonaro den liberale ideolog Paulo Guedes. Han er Brasiliens farlige stærke mand, men vil have mindre stat, privatisere statslige virksomheder, åbne økonomien op, og indføre hårde tiltag rettet mod landets udbredte korruption.

Der skal ikke meget til at blive associeret med fascisme i MSM, men skåret skarpt kan man sige at et af følgende punkter skal være opfyldt: Er økonomisk liberal, er folkelig/populær… eller går til valg mod en socialist.


Fra Bloomberg – Brazil Super Minister Shoulders Weight of Bolsonaro Economy.

“Bolsonaro, who’s admitted he has only a ’superficial understanding’ of economics, has said he’s placing full control over the nation’s finances in the hands of Guedes, who was trained at the University of Chicago and founded both a private equity firm and a think tank for liberal economic theories. …

Guedes, a founder of Rio de Janeiro-based private equity firm Bozano Investimentos, has campaigned for free and efficient markets in Latin America for decades, establishing the Instituto Millenium think tank to promote liberal economic theories espousing less government interference. It’s an ideology that runs counter to beliefs Bolsonaro championed until only recently, and still held by some of his closest allies. …

Guedes took a job teaching at the University of Chile at the same time General Augusto Pinochet’s Chicago Boys were testing their liberal prescriptions on the Chilean economy. …

Reform of the unsustainable social security system will be chief among Guedes’s tasks to reduce expenses. He often says Latin America’s largest economy sacrifices the equivalent of a Marshall Plan each year servicing government debt, which he aims to sharply reduce. He has said he’ll zero the fiscal deficit in his first year through privatizations of Brazil’s state-owned enterprises, and that he’d sell the whole lot if he had his way. But already Bolsonaro has said the government will reserve the right to choose which state-owned firms remain strategic assets.”













“Du kan reelt ikke få en ledende stilling i landets største bank Banco do Brasil uden at være medlem af Arbejderpartiet. Hvis de studerende strejker til støtte for Arbejderpartiet, må professorerne ikke dumpe dem til eksamen.” (Svenning Dalgaard, TV2 Online, 28. oktober 2018)

“Flere arbejdsgiverforeninger, bl. a. Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI), har kritiseret at man sammenlægger bl a. industriministeriet med finansministeriet – Hvortil Guedes svarer at ‘Vi vil redde den brasilianske industri, på trods af industrien’, med henvisning til erhvervslivets lobbyvirksomhed for skattefordele og beskyttelse mod konkurrence udefra.” (Niels Westy, Facebook, 30. oktober 2018)