
Afrikanske migranter som trængte ind i Ceuta den 22. august 2018, står i kø i migrantmodtagecentret på stedet. Foto: Fabian Bimmer / Reuters / Scanpix. 

Migranter, som har til hensigt at storme de spanske oversøiske territorier Ceuta og Melilla fra Marokko, betaler mafiamedlemmer 18 euro for at få chancen til at gøre mafiakoordinerede forsøg.

Det fremgår af en fortrolig rapport fra det halvmilitære spanske politi Guardia Civil som er omtalt i El País

The mafia decides the day, time and exact point on the border for the coordinated jump. Migrants who have not paid are not allowed to take part. Before the attempt, the groups send out scouts to “inspect the area and collect updated information on the security measures implemented by the Moroccan and Spanish security forces,” the report says.

Once the day has been set, the mafias round up the migrants and take away their cellphones, which are not returned until they are close to the border fence. When the moment arrives, the officials lead the group to the chosen point and give instructions on how to intimidate the police by shouting and throwing items such as rocks, sticks, feces, battery acid and quicklime.

Baggrunden for at dokumentet er blevet kendt, er næsten mere interessant end dets indhold, da det illustrerer, hvor vanskeligt det er for Spanien at sende indtrængende migranter ud:

The confidential document was recently used by the Spanish government for an appeal at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in a case over two express deportations carried out under the former Popular Party (PP) government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Spain is accused of unfairly deporting two migrants from Mali and the Ivory Coast, who crossed the border fence dividing Morocco and Spain, on August 13, 2014, instead of taking in the migrants for processing. In October 2017, the court in Strasbourg ruled that the Spanish authorities had violated the European Human Rights Convention, and ordered that they pay each of the migrants €5,000 in damages. The Spanish government argues that there “was no expulsion, but rather prevention of entry.”

Store resurser er altså brugt på et forsøg på at sende to migranter ud, som ankom for fire år siden. Stillet overfor en meget større menneskestrøm kommer de juridiske redskaber til kort.



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