
Billedet: Arkivfoto / Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump sagde til NATO-landene bag lukkede døre, at indvandring er i færd med at overtage Europa. Trump informerede pressen om dette torsdag.

“I told them today that the EU better be careful because immigration is taking over Europe and I said that loud and clear,” President Trump told a press conference in Brussels, Belgium.

“You see what’s going on throughout the world with immigration. I probably — if not partially — won an election because of immigration,” President Trump said, observing that the issue of mass, uncontrolled migration is inspiring voters in Europe — and the United States — to elect leaders who are tough on border control.

Trump går lige til sagen, også hvad angår valgene i land som Østrig og Italien. Det er politisk dynamit.

Remarking on the formation of the anti-mass migration Five-Star Movement (M5S) and the League (Lega) coalition in Italy, President Trump said: “If you look at Italy, [Prime Minister] Giuseppe [Conte] won his election on his strong immigration policies.”

The President also observed that Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU) because of uncontrolled immigration.

Mere direkte går det ikke an at sætte indvandring og migration på dagsordenen. Trump advarer NATO-landene: Hvis de ikke tager indvandringen alvorligt, kommer det til at få store konsekvenser for dem selv og de lande, de repræsenterer.

Trump at NATO: ‘Immigration Is Taking Over Europe’



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