
Italiens regering utfordrer Europas efterkrigsparadigme, og centeret for denne magtorden, Brüssel evner ikke at skjule hvor de er bange.

Under en debat i EU-parlamentet i Strasbourg onsdag morgen satte EU-kommissionens præsident Jean-Claude Juncker ord på denne bekymring:

Daily Express citerer fra EU-præsidentens tale:

He said: “Yes, in a years time European citizens would have voted in a new European Parliament.

“Nobody can second guess what shape it will take it will be different to this parliament, for some of my people that is a source of concerns.

“Let’s stand up against the rampant populism that we are seeing in European in all countries including mine, but Luxembourg people are by and large, wise.

“So it is not a large movement but it is a containable movement.”

Junckers invitation til at bekæmpe den «ustyrlige populisme» blev også registreret af den italienske radio- og tv-station RAI og nyhedsbureauet ANSA.