
Bannon citeres i en ny bog om Trump og livet i Det hvide hus. Det har fået Trump til at ta bladet fra munden og si at Bannon ikke bare mistet jobbet, men også forstanden.

Michael Wolff heder forfatteren av bogen Fire and Fury. Inside the Trump White House.

Det der særlig har provokeret presidenten er at Bannon betegnet mødet Donald Jr og Jared Kushner holdt med den russiske advokat, Natalia Veselnitskaya, i Trump Tower, juni 2016, for forrædersk og upatriotisk.

Donald Jr blev lokket til mødet af en advokat der påstod at hun satt med kompromitterende materiale om Hillary. Det viste seg ikke at være bløff.

Trump benytter anledningen til at tage et opgør med Bannon:

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,” Trump wrote. “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.”

Bannon har fået meget af æren for at Trump vandt. Det er helt ufortjent sier Trump.

“Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look,” Trump said. “Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans. Steve doesn’t represent my base—he’s only in it for himself.

Bannon tabte i Alabama. Det har kostet ham. Nå sier Trump at han også var en af de værste til at lække til pressen. Det passer dårlig på en mand der kaldte medierne for “the opposition”, dvs de fungerende som presidentens modstandere.


“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” he said. “It is the only thing he does well.”

Trump topper det hele ved at si at han ikke hadde et nært forhold til Bannon. De to havde nogle få møder på tomandshånd.

Trump slams Bannon after criticism, says ex-chief strategist ‘lost his mind’

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