Kopierede/fra hoften

Tilbage i 2011 udgav Renaud Camus bogen Le Grand Remplacement, hvis tanker på sin vis danner den demografiske kontekst for Michel Houellebecqs Soumission (2015). Efter Christchurch-angrebet tidligere på året, blev begrebet ‘Den Store Udskiftning’ kontroversielt – nu inkluderede demografiske realiteter pludselig en implicit opfordring til vold. For blot tre år siden kunne National Geographic tematisere Europas demografiske fremtid, og se indvandring som et logisk svar på faldende antal fødsler i Europa.

Uanset hvor mange moské-massakre vi vil se de kommende år, så giver to plus to stadig fire…

“The Syrian and other refugees streaming into Europe since 2015 have roiled its politics and tested its tolerance. But they’re just the latest of many waves of immigrants since World War II. Indians in Britain, Algerians in France, Somalis in Sweden are some of the immigrants who are reshaping the continent. (Robin Hammond, 2016)

“At the center of German politics there’s now a consensus that the country needs immigrants. Deaths exceed births in Germany by nearly 200,000 a year, and that number is rising. Without immigration, the population would be shrinking. The Berlin-Institute for Population and Development, a think tank, estimates that to keep a constant working-age population—the people who finance pensions for the growing pool of retirees—Germany would need a net immigration of around half a million a year through 2050.” (Robert Kunzig for National Geographic, 2016)


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