
Når man ved hvordan medierne gik efter Trumps pressesekretær Kayleigh McEnany, så må man forvente det bliver noget nemmere for Bidens Jen Psaki. ‘Bidens nye talskvinde imponerede: ‘Hele verden er forelsket i dig’ skrev BT, og citerer en kommentar ‘på Twitter’ fra den lesbiske komiker Dana Goldberg. “One virus moved to Fl, now we take care of Covid-19.”, skrev hun i torsdag. Twitterland udgør en stor del af venstreorienterede journalisters verden.

Her en af de historier, der ikke fik en selvstændig artikel. Biden fjerner en buste af den af woke-segmentet forhadte Winston Churchill, og fylder Det Ovale Værelse med fokusgruppens foretrukne, herunder latino-socialisten Cesar Chavez. Fra Daily Mail – Fury as Joe Biden REMOVES bust of Boris Johnson’s hero Winston Churchill from the Oval Office – and replaces it with RFK, Rosa Parks, a Latino American civil rights activist and Martin Luther King.

“A transatlantic row is brewing over ‘woke’ Joe Biden’s removal of a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, five years after Barack Obama provoked a storm by having the British leader’s image moved outside his office.

Biden’s new-look Oval Office has introduced several new busts, including civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and socialist Latino union leader Cesar Chavez who sits proudly behind the President’s chair.

However some critics worry that removal of Churchill is a snub to the UK, and signals a further dwindling of the so-called ‘Special Relationship’ after it was started in World War Two by the legendary British Prime Minister.

Churchill has also recently been targeted by Black Lives Matter activists in the UK who called him ‘racist’ and defaced his statue outside the Houses of Parliament in London.”