Kopierede/fra hoften

‘Antiracisme’ er i årtier brugt som rambuk for erodering af den borgerlige nationalstat, og selvom klagen virker absurd, så det tilsyneladende vigtigt for politikere at tage afstand. Ja, faktisk så undersøger politiet om budskabet er lovligt. Som det lød fra obersten i ‘Full Metal Jacket’ (1987): “We’ve gotta try to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.” Fra BBC News – Perth city centre ‘It’s ok to be white’ stickers condemned.

“Scotland’s deputy first minister has condemned the appearance of stickers bearing the slogan ‘It’s ok to be white’ in Perth city centre. The stickers were posted on lampposts and drainpipes throughout the city at the weekend.

John Swinney, who is also MSP for Perthshire North, said the ‘atrocious’ stickers had ‘no place in Perth or any other part of our country.‘ Police Scotland said it was ‘currently looking into the matter.’

Posting on Twitter, Mr Swinney said: ‘We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material.’

… Local group Perth Against Racism said it has been contacted by local people who said the appearance of the stickers had made them feel unsafe.

One person told the group: ‘I am certainly worried now for my daughters who are not white but are from Perth.

‘It’s sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this.’