Kopierede/fra hoften

Jeg mener ikke danske medier nødvendigvis skal dække amerikansk indenrigspolitik helt ned i detaljen, men det er nu alligevel bemærkelsesværdigt, at ikke et eneste dansk medie har skrevet om den Mueller-relaterede sigtelse mod Greg Craig. Han arbejdede på vegne af den pro-russiske Yanukovich-regering i Ukraine uden at registrere sig som agent for en fremmed magt, det samme som Trumps tidligere kampagnechef Paul Manafort blev sigtet for. Manafort kunne bruges i den løbende kampagne mod Trump, men Craig er demokrat, og så er det en ikke-historie.

Fra NPR – Greg Craig, Onetime White House Counsel, Charged In Ukraine Case

“Former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig was charged with making false statements on Thursday in connection with what authorities called failures to report work for powerful clients in Ukraine.

A grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned an indictment on Thursday that included two charges, the Justice Department said.

In short, the indictment alleges that Craig withheld information he knew he should have given to the Justice Department and deliberately gave it other information he knew was false. …

The political consulting of that era is the origin of the legal troubles for Craig and Skadden: Manafort helped arrange for Ukraine’s then-pro-Russian government to hire the law firm at the time the regime was Manafort’s client. …

Craig, who stepped down from the firm Skadden, Arps last year without explanation, is part of the latest investigation by authorities involving the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires disclosures by people in the U.S. working for overseas entities. …

Craig has been a top player in Democratic politics for many years. He joined the administration of President Bill Clinton to help with the impeachment case brought by Republicans in Congress and then later became White House counsel to President Barack Obama.