

USA har ikke opnået de ændringer af FN´s menneskerettighedsråd, som amerikanerne har ønsket, og det kan se ud til at USA trækker sig ud, når rådets samling åbner i Geneve mandag.

Diplomatic sources said it was not a question of if but of when the United States retreats from the Human Rights Council, which is holding a three-week session through July 6. (…)

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, publicly told the Council a year ago that Washington might leave the body unless a “chronic anti-Israel bias” were removed.

The forum, set up in 2006, has a permanent standing agenda item on suspected violations committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, which Washington wants removed.

Washington says the Council is stacked with opponents of Israel and boycotted it for three years under President George W. Bush before rejoining under Barack Obama in 2009.

EU har ikke formået at blive enige om et fornyet standpunkt. Belgien insisterer på at beholde Israel som et højt prioriteret område.

The European Union failed to find a common position, mainly due to Belgium’s wish to keep Israel firmly on the agenda of each session, they said.

USA finder sig ikke længere i at lande som Saudi-Arabien, Venezuela og Kina kan herse med Israel og samtidig selv have et grusomt generalieblad.

U.S. expected to retreat from main U.N. rights forum: activists, diplomats