
Billedet: Gaza city, Wikipedia Commons

15 palæstinensere blev dræbt og 1100 såret, da anslået 30.000 palæstinensere forsøgte at storme grænsen mod Israel fredag. Israelerne brugte skarpe skud og gummikugler.

Demonstrationen kaldes March of Return og skal finde sted i seks uger.

14 Gazans said killed, 1,100 hurt in clashes at massive border protest

Ingenting sker i Gaza som Hamas har ikke godkendt. Israelerne opdagede en syv år gammel pige som blev sendt mod grænsehegnet. Israelerne indså, hvad der var ved at ske, og undgik at hun blev skadet.

The IDF did not confirm the Hamas figures, but said it faced “violent terrorism” at the border fence. The army said the organizers of the protests were deliberately trying to place civilians in harm’s way, and cited an incident in which it said a seven-year-old girl was sent to the security fence in an apparent cynical attempt to draw Israeli fire, but was spotted by troops who realized what was happening and ensured she was not hurt.

Palæstinenserne var samlet på seks forskellige steder. De prøvede sig frem. To gik mod grænsen og åbnede ild. Israelerne besvarede ilden. Israelerne ønsker at svare proportionalt, ikke at eskalere situationen.

Men dette var bare første dag. Israelerne er forberedt på raketangreb.

The demonstrations marked the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to “all of Palestine,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech in Gaza City.

Det er en åben krigserklæring mod Israel, og Haniyeh ved det.

“We are here to declare today that our people will not agree to keep the right of return only as a slogan,” he said.

Haniyeh added that the March of Return was also aimed at sending a message to US President Donald Trump to the effect that the Palestinians will not give up their right to Jerusalem and “Palestine.”

Palæstinenserne forlanger ikke bare at de som flygtede i 1948 skal få lov til at vende tilbage, men også deres efterkommere, hvilket vil sige millioner af mennesker. Det ville ødelægge Israel som vi kender det i dag og er et krav Israel aldrig vil kunne gå ind på. Alligevel har hverken PLO eller Hamas givet slip på det.

At previous peace talks, the Palestinians have always demanded, along with sovereignty in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Old City, a “right of return” to Israel for Palestinian refugees who left or were forced out of Israel when it was established. The Palestinians demand this right not only for those of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are still alive — a figure estimated in the low tens of thousands — but also for their descendants, who number in the millions.

Præsident Mahmoud Abbas erklærede lørdag for at være en sorgens dag og bad FN om at beskytte palæstinenserne.

The PA Ministry of Information accused Israel of targeting “peaceful” marches with live ammunition and said this was proof of the need to provide international protection for the Palestinians. The ministry praised Palestinians for heeding calls to take part in demonstrations marking the 42nd anniversary of Land Day in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.






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