

Statsminister Theresa May siger, at det højst sandsynligt er Rusland stod bag forgiftningen af Sergej Skripal og datteren Julia i Salisbury. Dermed er attentatet blevet storpolitisk.

Reckless act against the UK’: May says Russia must explain how military nerve agent was used in Salisbury attack

Den britiske regering bliver nød til at foretage sig noget.

Theresa May sagde mandag at gassen som blev brugt var af militær type, og det er kun Rusland som har evne til at producere den.

It is “highly likely” that the Kremlin is behind the attack on a former Russian spy in Salisbury, Theresa May has confirmed.

Describing the incident as a “reckless” and “indiscriminate” attack on British soil, Mrs May revealed that the nerve agent used on Sergei Skripal and his daughter was a “military-grade” gas almost certainly created in Russia.

May identificerer nu nervegassen. Hun siger den tilhører en familie af nervegasser, kaldet Novitsjok.

In a statement to MPs, Mrs May said: “It is now clear that Mr Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent of a type developed by Russia. This is part of a group of nerve agents known as ‘Novichok’.

May siger egentlig lige ud at det udelukkende er Rusland som producerer denne slags gift. Hun behøver ikke tage forbehold.

Mrs. May added that the chemical agent had been identified by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down.

She confirmed that Russia had previously produced Novichok and is “still capable of doing so”, adding that Russia’s track record of conducting state-sponsored assassinations and viewing defectors as “legitimate targets” made it “highly likely that Russia was responsible”.




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