
To mænd er arresteret af italiensk politi i Bari, mistænkt for forbindelser både til international terror og menneskesmugling. Det er en forbindelse mellem de to aktiviteter, sier italiensk politi.

One of the men, Hakim Nasiri, is suspected of international terrorism and used to live in a refugee center in Bari, as he was waiting for the approval of his asylum request in Italy.

The other suspect, Gulistan Ahmadzai, lived in another southern Italian town, near Foggia, and had already obtained refugee status. He is suspected of facilitating illegal immigration.

“There’s a link between the terrorist organization circuits and illegal immigration,” said the head of the local Carabinieri police, Colonel Vincenzo Molinese. However, he added that investigations found no direct evidence that the Afghans intended to smuggle terrorists into Europe.

According to the investigators, some of the men involved in the operation had been traveling across Europe—although they didn’t specify where.

Politiet blev opmærksomme på mændene da de tog billeder af sensitive steder i Bari, som havnen og lufthavnen. De hackede sig ind på deres telefoner og fandt tilsvarende billeder fra Paris, London og Rom. De fandt religiøse chants som bruges af martyrer. Billeder af våben.

Investigators also found images of guns, chants to prepare recruits for martyrdom and screenshots from sites linked to the Jihadi network, which aren’t typically accessible to people outside the terrorist organization.

Den andre afghaner, Ahmadzai, fik godkendt sin asylansøgning mandag, og var i ferd med at rejse til Calais for at organisere menneskesmugling.

Man forstår at denne smugling udmærket lar sig forene med våbensmugling, og er det perfekte alibi.

Trafikken er transnational, og politiet har ikke kontrol.

Terroristerne har initiativet.


Biledet: Hakim Nasiri, afghaneren

