
‘Kalashnikovs, bombebælter og nu seksuel vold’ (af Snaphanen).

Tysklands mest prominente feminist, Alice Schwarzer, giver et interview i Die Welt der må kaldes banebrydende, og som måske kan medvirke til at europæiske feministers delegitimering af sig selv stopper i sidste øjeblik, med forbehold for svenske, der jo lever på en anden planet. Hun mener kort sagt at muslimske sexangreb i Europa er ‘racisme, et terrorvåben og en krigsstrategi.’ De fører slet og ret jihad imod os, og i den udstrækning vores politikere faciliterer det, fører disse politikere krig mod europiske kvinder, vi jeg tilføje for egen regning.

Det er selvsagt en stor historie i Tyskland i dag. Tak for kaffe hvor låget røg af tredive års løgne og fortielser med et brag. Pointerne ra ‘Kalaschnikows, Sprenggürtel und jetzt die sexuelle Gewalt‘ via Breitbart.

“After the New Years migrant sex attacks, a leading German feminist has said the politically correct ‘bubble has burst’ and Germans should speak out against Islamism. She claimed Cologne police have been covering up Muslim rape for 20 years, and said that sexual violence was now being used as a weapon of war in Germany.

Alice Schwarzer is a veteran ‘second wave’ feminist who rose to prominence before feminism became preoccupied with apologising for Islamism and misogynistic Muslim culture.

’20 years ago, a Cologne police officer said to me: ‘Alice, 70 to 80 percent of all rapes in Cologne go to the account of Turks.’

I was shocked and replied: ‘You absolutely must make it public! Even a Turk is not born as a rapist. There must be causes. What’s going on here? What can we do?’

‘But the message was clear: ‘No way, that’s not politically opportune’. And it is this kind of political correctness that conceals the circumstances,’ she said.

‘That’s right, we feminist pioneers have been saying this for 40 years!’ But, she said, the migrant rape phenomenon clearly is of ‘a new quality, a completely different dimension’ to lesser sexual violence committed by native German men.

She also argued that, ‘the headscarf has nothing to do with faith. It is a political signal,’ claiming that, ‘Islamists offer parents money when their daughters wear veils’ and reaffirmed her call for the garment to be banned in public institutions.”

Via Snaphanen.