
Terrorangrepene i Paris ble gjennomført av tre koordinerte grupper. Ett av teamene reiste til Europa på et syrisk pass sammen med migrantstrømmen.

Det fortalte forhørsdommer Francois Molins på en pressekonferanse lørdag kveld. Brikkene begynner å falle på plass.

The terrorist assault on Paris on Friday night was carried out by three teams of coordinated attackers, including one who traveled to Europe on a Syrian passport along with the flow of migrants, officials said Saturday.

Gruppene var velutstyrt, med tunge våpen og selvmordsvester. Angrepene begynte med at to av dem sprengte seg i luften utenfor Stade de Paris. Hvorfor de sprengte seg utenfor og ikke innenfor er ikke klart. Noe må ha kommet i veien. Innenfor var både president Hollande og Tysklands utenriksminister.

Nyheten om at en av angriperne hadde skjult seg blant migrantene er dårlig nytt for politikere som forsøker å skremme befolkningen fra å mene at migrantstrømmen øker usikkerheten i Europa.

Dette er helt selvfølgelige sammenhenger, selv for en liberal avis som New York Times, men Erna Solberg og Thorbjørn Jagland gjør dem tabubelagte.

The possibility that one of the attackers was a migrant or had posed as one is sure to further complicate the already vexing problem for Europe of how to handle the unceasing flow of people from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

 Hollande antyder at dette ikke var et vilt angrep av grupper som handlet på egen hånd. Det var velorganisert i god tid.

“It is an act of war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh, against France,” Mr. Hollande told the nation from the Élysée Palace, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. “It is an act of war that was prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside, which the investigation will help establish.”


As the day progressed, there were tentative indications that the attacks might have been supported by or linked to a sprawling network.

Belgisk politi foretok razziaer i Brussel. Politiet er på spor etter et nettverk.

A French intelligence official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was still underway said that at least one of the attackers — a Frenchman from Chartres, about 90 kilometers southwest of Paris — was in the database of the country’s security services, indicating that he was a person of concern, and that one other attacker might have been a Syrian.

The Paris public prosecutor, François Molins, at a news conference on Saturday evening, laid out a chilling series of attacks that began at 9:20 p.m. Friday and lasted until 9:53.

Det kan virke som om angrepet ble gjennomført av folk med ulik bakgrunn og alder.
