Kategori: Citat

Racehygiejne – skulle det være noget særligt?

I anledning af Sverigedemokraternes dokumentar om det svenske socialdemokratis lange og brune fortid, stillede Deadline an med en venstrevært, som havde indkaldt to venstredamer.

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Another Arab Knesset member, Jamal Zahalka, recently mocked Jewish symbols and said, “I would rather die than sing the Israeli national anthem.” Many Arab Members of Knesset have never accepted Israel’s national anthem or its flag, which carries the symbol of the six-pointed Star of David. About the Israeli flag, Zahalka said, “Any flag for […]

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Danmark er der desværre bare ikke mere

Derfor nager det mig, når Danmark ikke lever op til aftalen om at bruge 2 pct. af vores bnp. Vi bruger ca. 1,2 pct. Det er meget langt fra, hvad vi har lovet. Det gør ondt, når USA over næsten et årti nævner os som et af de lande, der ikke skuldrer sit ansvar. Lige […]

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I fear, in fact, this is just the start

‘I chose one approach, she proposed another which was more conciliatory to the European Union – I think that’s the best way to put it – and she believes that will deliver a better response from them. My fear is that they will take what we have offered already and then demand some more. That […]

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European Terrorism: The ‘Batman Syndrome’

“How can we respect a society that is too cowardly to fight those who threaten its citizens, and that demonstrates its weakness by systematically seeking appeasement at the price of the most unreasonable accommodations? It is the ‘Batman syndrome’: the hero refuses to kill, he systematically saves his enemy who escapes and kills new victims […]

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Tanker om VM Hvorfor spilles der landskampe, hvis der ikke skal være lande? Hvorfor sidder iranske fans, kvinder som mænd, med synligt hår, mens de drikker øl? Det sidste spørgsmål er let at besvare i lyset af deres triste liv derhjemme. Det første kræver nøjere overvejelse. Lars Hedegaard

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In France, the government, which previously vowedto reduce foreign influences on the practice of Islam in the country, approvedvisas for 300 imams from Algeria and Morocco to lead Ramadan services in French mosques. The move sparkeda backlash from across the political spectrum. “To ask Algeria and Morocco to send us imams during the month of […]

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A perfect storm is brewing in the Atlantic. In personality and in style, Mr. Trump represents almost everything Europeans dislike most about American life. He is even more abrasive when it comes to matters of substance. The Trumpian mix of zero-sum trade policy, hard-nosed foreign-policy realism, and skepticism about Europe’s future leads him to think […]

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Enemies of the Constitution are now hiding in plain sight.  Let me briefly note two examples (there are many, many others). Who can forget the editorial by Georgetown Law Professor Louis Seidman in the New York Timescalled “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution.”  After all, as he put it, “a group of white propertied men who […]

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Nu skulle man umiddelbart tro, at danske politikere ville stå i kø for at tage afstand fra terroristorganiserede angreb på en allieret. Men efter Anders Samuelsen skammeligt undlod at kommentere på afbrændingerne af det amerikanske flag og dødstruslerne i den iranske lovforsamling, så vil opbakningen til vores demokratiske alliererede Israel nok også være begrænset. Jeg […]

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