
Flere medier beretter, at den 64-årige hollandske topjournalist Peter R. de Vries tirsdag blev skudt på åben gade i Amsterdam. Journalisten har ifølge DR Online fungeret som rådgiver for et frafaldet bandemedlem ‘Nabil B’, der vidner i en sag mod en ‘formodet narkobaron’. En 43-årig marokkaner ved navn Ridouan Taghi, der sammen med Said Razzouki ledede den såkaldte ‘Mocro Mafia’. Fra Gulf News – Arrested in Dubai, Ridouan Taghi ordered ‘killings like cups of coffee’ (2019).

“The ringleader of the ‘Angels of Death’ gang was shocked when police raided his Dubai villa and arrested him this week, an official told Gulf News on Tuesday.

The announcement of the arrest of Ridouan Taghi — described as ‘the Netherland’s most dangerous man’ — was made on Monday, with Dutch police praising their Dubai counterparts for their cooperation.

Taghi, 41, a notorious Moroccan-born Dutch drug trafficker who is wanted in connection with a string of assassinations in Holland, had entered Dubai using a different identity, under a passport and visa issued before the time of an Interpol arrest warrant. …

Police in Holland who monitored chats between the two suspects said these hits were ordered as casually as if they were ‘cups of coffee’.

The most audacious of their hits was the murder of prosecution lawyer Derk Wiersum, 44, in Amsterdam in September, who was gunned down in front of his wife. He was the lawyer of Nabil B, a former member of Taghi’s gang, who had turned informer and was expected to testify against Taghi and Razzouki. …

In 2018, the Public Prosecution Service put Taghi and his right-hand man Said Razzouki on an international investigations list. … Taghi remained elusive, changing his looks every few months and using false passports and visas.”


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