
Rambouillet efter terrorangrebet, 23. april 2021 – Indsat: Stephanie M. og 36-årige Jamel Gorchene)

De fleste danske medier bragte et Ritzau-notat i fredags, men der er skrivende stund intet om terrorangrebet på DR Online, der tidligere i dag headlinede med ‘Brunstige pandaer i København Zoo prøver at finde melodien’. En illegal indvandret tuneser myrdet en 49-årig kvinde foran politistationen, hvor hun arbejder. Det er muligt at finde et billede af offeret, men stort set alle etablerede medier vælger at bringe billeder af blomster eller grafiske illustrationer. Den manglende personliggørelse af terrorofre kunne man kalde ‘dehumanisering’, en manøvre der gør det nemmere at acceptere ondskab – præludiet til folkedrab.

Den 49-årige mor til to forblødte efter stik i halsregionen, og politikerne der gav Jamel Gorchene opholdstilladelse har blod på hænderne. Flere detaljer om sagen hos franske RFI – France reviews terror threat after suspected Islamist attack in Rambouillet.

“The French government has held an emergency meeting to assess the terror threat after a Tunisian man stabbed a policewoman to death near Paris on Friday. … The murder at a police station in Rambouillet, a commuter town about 60 kilometres from Paris, revived the trauma of a spate of deadly Islamist attacks in recent years.

The victim was a 49-year-old woman named as Stephanie M., a police administrative assistant and mother of two teenage girls. She was stabbed twice in the throat at the entrance of the station.

One source close to the inquiry told AFP the knifeman had shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is Greatest) during the attack.

Chief anti-terror prosecutor Jean-Francois Ricard confirmed ‘comments made by the assailant’ indicated a terror motive and said the attack might have been premeditated. …

A source close to the investigation said Gorchene’s phone contained religious chants often used to spread jihadist propaganda.

The assailant had arrived in France illegally in 2009 but had since obtained residency papers, a police source said. He had just moved to Rambouillet and was working as a delivery driver. …

Gorchene was from M’saken, the same hometown as Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who killed 86 people in a Bastille Day truck attack in Nice in 2016.”


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