

En talsmand for Hamas siger, at 50 ud af de 60 som blev dræbt mandag og tirsdag var medlemmer af Hamas. Udenlandske medier og aktivister vil gerne fremstille det som om at palæstinensere af egen fri vilje søger til grænsen og vælger døden.

At 50 af 60 var fra Hamas, undergraver den udlægning.

A Hamas official on Wednesday acknowledged that 50 of the 62 Palestinians reported killed during Gaza border riots on Monday and Tuesday were members of the Islamist terrorist group, bringing the total number of known members of terror groups among the fatalities up to 53.

“In the last rounds of confrontations, if 62 people were martyred, 50 of them were Hamas,” said Hamas official Salah Bardawil in a television interview.

Dertil kommer at Islamisk jihad sagde at tre af deres medlemmer blev dræbt. Dermed stiger antallet af terrormedlemmer til 53.

The Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad had said on Tuesday that three members of its Saraya al-Quds military wing were killed by Israeli forces in Khan Younis.

Det var let for den israelske hær at score point:

“This proves what so many have tried to ignore: Hamas is behind these riots, and the branding of the riots as ‘peaceful protests’ could not be further from the truth,” said IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.

Hamas eget sundhedsvæsen opererer med 62 dræbte.

Det var altså kun ni af de dræbte, som ikke var medlemmer af enten Hamas eller Islamisk jihad. Det giver et helt andet perspektiv på brugen af vold.

Selv om disse ni kommer der nye oplysninger frem:

In one case, a Gazan doctor told the Associated Press that an 8-month-old baby, who the Gaza ministry said died after inhaling Israeli tear gas on Monday, had a preexisting medical condition and that he did not believe her death was caused by tear gas.

Hamas official: 50 of the 62 Gazans killed in border violence were our members



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