Information har en artikel om en afdød rap-kunster ved navn Tu-Pac og heri hedder det
Og det kan undre, at det tog Hollywood 21 år at lave en storladen biografi om ham – All Eyez On Me havde premiere torsdag – for hans relativt korte livshistorie er så spækket med action, kriminalitet og rivalisering, men også grundfølelser som loyalitet og stolthed, at den til forveksling minder om et episk Shakespearedrama.
Og selv om Tupac hverken var verdens bedste rapper eller tekstforfatter, er hans 20 år gamle budskaber angående raceulighed og undertrykkelse desværre stadig aktuelle i en tid, hvor 30 procent af USA’s sorte unge mænd sidder i fængsel. Mange mener, at rapperens budskaber lever videre i Black Lives Matter-bevægelsen.
30 procent af USA’s sorte unge mænd sidder i fængsel fordi de lever “så spækket med action, kriminalitet og rivalisering” at det underminerer deres livs betydning. Daily Caller skriver at Fars Dag blev fejret i Chicago med mere end 50 mennesker ramt af skud. Og hvis vi skal tro Intellectual Takeout, og det skal vi, da de gengiver politiets tal, er den demografiske fordeling af mord og skyderier ganske mørk generelt i Chicago
What stands out the most looking at both charts and knowing that 90% of the victims are male is that a lot of young, Black men are being killed in Chicago. No race comes even close to overall deaths by homicide. Keep in mind that based on 2010 Census numbers, only 33% of Chicago’s population was classified as Black.
In 2011, there were 140 convicted offenders for the 128 victims with an associated prosecution. There were more offenders than victims because 10.7% of homicides had two offenders and 10.0% had three or more offenders convicted. 87% of all offenders had a prior arrest history. Offenders were 88% male.
Offenders by Age:
Offenders by Race:
The data on offenders also tells a troubling story: Young, Black males are overwhelmingly committing most of the murders. Based on the data on the victims, that means young, Black males are primarily killing other young, Black males. What a terrible situation.
Looking at the troubling statistics, is it reasonable to be reminded of Don Lemon’s (a Black, CNN anchor) somewhat famous and controversial comments during the George Zimmerman acquittal in 2013:
“‘Black people,’ Lemon said, ‘if you really want to fix the problem, here’s just five things that you should think about doing.’
The No. 1 item on that list — ‘and probably the most important,’ he said — had to do with out-of-wedlock births.
‘Just because you can have a baby, it doesn’t mean you should,’ Lemon said. ‘Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.’”
What Lemon describes is a culture problem.
Den sorte 1/3 af Chicagos befolkning står for mere end 2/3 af alle mord og myrdede. Happy Absent Fathers Day! Og nogle flere problemer i sigøjnerlandsbyen
Herunder resulterer “a fight with a boyfriend” i at nogle kvinder stikker ild til naboens hus, så en 72 årig mand indebrænder, mens en yngre kvinde når at redde sig ud
Drokles blogger på www.monokultur.dk
Og sådanne typer vil de politisk korrekte have endnu flere importeret af.