
En 20 år gammel syrisk flygtning blev pågrebet af tysk politi søndag med det politiet mener er bombemateriale, melder Reuters. Manden havde lørdag forsøgt at tage sig ind i Danmark.

Hvorfor han ikke lykkedes står der ikke noget om.

Manden skal have opholdt sig i Tyskland i ett år.


German police arrested a 20-year-old Syrian refugee who sympathized with Islamic State after he tried to cross into Denmark with potential bomb-making materials, a spokesman for the Stuttgart prosecutor’s office said on Thursday.

The man, whose name was not disclosed, had been in Germany for some time but it was not immediately clear when he entered the country, the spokesman Jan Holzner told Reuters.

“We have evidence that he sympathized with Islamic State,” Holzner said.

He said the man was arrested on Sunday in the southern city of Ulm after failing to cross into Denmark a day earlier, but gave no further details. He did not know whether the man had been granted asylum in Germany.

“He was carrying materials that could be used to make a bomb,” Holzner said. He declined to provide any more details but said the quantities of material involved were “not typical of what would be used in a normal household.”



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