
Et shia-islamisk center i Florida havde så sent som i april besøg af en iransk imam, der holdt en prædiken, hvori han sagde, at drab på homofile er en medlidenhedshandling.

Hvad skyldes det, at sådanne prædikanter gæster islamiske centre i Vesten, selv om det kan dokumenteres, at de har sagt de mest forfærdelige ting. Af type Hizb-ut-Tahrir og Islamnet.no. Det er ikke, fordi de ikke kender disse udtalelser, det kan trygt udelukkes. Så opstår mistanken om, at det er på grund af disse holdninger, at de er indbudt.

Men myndighederne ønsker ikke at vide. De lukker deres øjne. Kan de så blive overrasket over massakrer som den i Orlando?


Pub­lished on Apr 6, 2016

The United West inves­tiga­tive team uncov­ered a story so dis­turb­ing Field Sut­ton of Chan­nel 9 news in Orlando, FL broke the story on their news­cast.

The Hus­seini Islamic Cen­ter, 5211 Hes­ter Ave, San­ford, FL 32773, invited Sheikh Far­rokh Sekalesh­far to speak at their Mosque. Dr. Sekalesh­far says the killing of homo­sex­u­als is the com­pas­sion­ate thing to do.


In a 2013 speech Sheikh Sekalesh­far said this regard­ing gays, “Death is the sen­tence. We know there’s noth­ing to be embar­rassed about this, death is the sentence…We have to have that com­pas­sion for peo­ple, with homo­sex­u­als, it’s the same, out of com­pas­sion, let’s get rid of them now.”

When Sheikh Sekalesh­far calls for the death of all homo­sex­u­als based on the tenets of Islam it can not be ignored, he is an expert on Shariah Islamiyya or Islamic Law.

Islamic Law also man­dates a death sen­tence for blas­phe­mers and apos­tates, does Sheikh Sekalesh­far and the Hus­seini Islamic Cen­ter Mosque advo­cate those legal rul­ings as well?

What’s equally dis­turb­ing is the response to this call for killing gays from Rev. Bryan Ful­wider of the Inter­faith Coun­cil of Cen­tral Florida. Rev. Ful­wider said, “These issues around homo­sex­u­al­ity and the decry­ing of it or denounc­ing of it by reli­gion takes away, often, from our really impor­tant task of help­ing our com­mu­nity to be a bet­ter community…and wishes con­gre­ga­tions would focus more on help­ing the home­less, poor , and abused instead of per­se­cut­ing a group that can take care of itself.”

This tepid response from Rev. Ful­wider is prob­lem­atic because he refuses to denounce the Hus­seini Islamic Cen­ter Mosque for pro­mot­ing a speaker who calls for the mur­der of homo­sex­u­als. Rev. Ful­wider can’t even say that call­ing for the mur­der of gays is wrong. Ful­wider con­cludes by adding insult to injury, say­ing don’t worry about the gays they can take care of them­selves.

Equally as trou­bling is the lead­er­ship at the Hus­seini Islamic Cen­ter Mosque in San­ford, FL never con­demn or dis­agree with the words spo­ken by their speaker about the killing of gays — silence is con­sent.

It would appear the hatred of gays by The West­boro Bap­tist Church has been eclipsed by Sheikh Sekalesh­far and the Hus­seini Islamic Cen­ter Mosque of San­ford, FL. Both of these sup­posed places of wor­ship should be stripped of their 501c3 sta­tus and rel­e­gated to the dust­bin of his­tory.

Alan Korn­man

The United West

Regional Coor­di­na­tor