
Kim Bodnia forlod dansk-svenske Broen efter anden sæson. I et interview med israelske Channel 10 forklarer han baggrunden. “Manglende indflydelse fik mig til at forlade ‘Broen'”, opridser DR Nyheder, og det dækker fint den ene del af forklaringen.

Daily Mail har den anden del, og den er mindre behagelig. Bodnia har jødiske aner, og Malmø i kraft af indvandringen blevet lidt for multikulturel – Jewish star of Scandinavian BBC crime drama The Bridge reveals he quit the show because he was fed up with filming in ‘anti-Semitic’ Malmo.

“The 50-year-old had previously cited issues with the script, but has now said his departure was also caused by of the rise of anti-Semitism in Sweden. Bodnia made the controversial comments during an interview for Israeli TV where he spoke about why he left The Bridge.

After initially explaining that the changes made to the script and lack of influence on it as an actor was the main reason, he is then asked about anti-Semitism in Scandinvia.

‘It [anti-Semitism] is growing, especially in Malmo where we shot the Bridge in Sweden,’ he told Channel 10.

‘It’s not very nice, and not very comfortable to be there as a Jewish person. …

During the interview, he also indicated that there is a connection between the rise in anti-semitism in Sweden and Denmark and the influx of migrants and refugees in recent years.”