Pilene peger den riktige vej for Trump: Hans popularitet er for opadgående på en række områder, så som øknomi, sikkerhed/forsvar og faktisk også raserelationer.

The polling data, released on Jan. 27, found that public satisfaction with the nation’s economy, security from terrorism, military strength, and the state of race relations rose by double digits. In January 2017, 46 percent of Americans were satisfied with the nation’s economy, but this rose by 22 percentage points to 68 percent in January 2020. Similar increases were recorded for the satisfaction with the handling of security from terrorism, which rose 18 percentage points from 50 to 68 percent. Satisfaction for military strength and preparedness rose 15 percentage points from 66 to 81, while for the state of race relations, satisfaction rose from 22 percent to 36 percent, a 14 percentage point increase, amid falling African American unemployment rates.


Americans Are More Satisfied in Economy, National Security After Three Years of Trump: Gallup Poll


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